WoW Classic Update Schedule and Free Character Moves

Then you’d just have these long queues and all the people part of that 30% faction

No. You just make a certain percentage of the over represented faction able to log on. Keep free transfers open. Welcome to balanced servers.

WTB Netherwind PvP server a slot on this list …

If you mean transfering to Heartseeker, I’m already on this server since the first transfer wave.

If you mean leaving Heartseeker, I can’t because they’re is no transfer From Heartseeker.

How are we not dropping paid xfers already? Killing off servers and then adding them? Most high pop servers have huge imbalances and the lower ones are getting worse everyday with the free xfers.

Game feels like its slowly dying, release paid xfers before things get too out of hand.

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hold on. they are still allowing further FREE faction imbalance right before the PVP patch? How are these migrations not limited to higher % faction of a server -> lower % of another server???

As if the earlier migrations didn’t fk up Skeram/Stalagg enough…wow.



Generally you were able to move from a pvp->pve server but not pve->pvp. Because pvp is generally harder to level up.

Ally, don’t do this. It only makes it worse for everyone. That same terrible experience you are having will be exacerbated for everyone. I understand the desire, I do.

None of us play this game to provide fun for other people. Enduring an unfun game experience because of factors out of our control is not something we should have to do. I used to live by this philosophy, especially in first person shooters (looking at you, Battlefield games that lack auto team balance by default), but I realized I wasn’t having fun and my “lead by example” was not actually inspiring anyone to follow me. The percentage of selfish, self-centered gamers is just too high for this to work on a voluntary basis. Blizzard is the only one who can fix this, and if they refuse to, I’m going to improve my game experience by either moving to a more balanced server, or quitting.


It has been said 100 times already, but I feel the need to provide my opinion on the matter…

Blizzard, I implore you to go through each server with a fine-toothed comb and limit free-character moves based on faction balance. Alliance on Skeram should not be allowed to transfer–especially to Heartseeker, a server that apparently has an overwhelming Alliance population. I understand the desire to lower high pop servers, but this isn’t how to go about it.


What a joke. instead of being concerned about faction balance you guys try to remove people off of servers because the caps you have implemented are too much for the servers to handle. So in return, players suffer because of bad choices that have been made since the initial announcement of the amount of servers from the beginning.

Glad you’re not my guildie /shrug

Im guessing it might be a technical issue why free transfers aren’t faction specific, otherwise I feel they would of responded yay or nay at some point. I’m not sure why it would be but nothing is ever as simple as it looks.

the transfers from skeram/stalagg to heartseeker is something I’m having a hard time understanding and I’m curious to know the logic behind it.


PVP realms should be balance…Blizzard now is the time to show us you are listening :slight_smile:

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Blizzard, you have MURDERED Stalagg and Hearthseeker.

You didn’t implement faction based queues, resulting in absolutely egregious disparity between horde and alliance on both of these servers, I can only speak of these because this is where I play.

Opening up transfers AGAIN from a horde dominated server, to an alliance dominated server, is mind numbingly short-sighted, ill refrain from using profanity.

You have killed these two servers, now that honor will be released it will be taken to the next level, people will simply transfer to avoid getting camped 24 hours a day, and what will that leave us with? two to three DEAD servers that YOU. HAVE.MURDERED.

You are throwing away our hours of play time in the god damn garbage, people are already quitting and honor isn’t even released.

-sincerely yours, A PAYING CUSTOMER


Says the level 24 who hasn’t been to BRM yet


Should have waited longer to release Phase 2 until you had a proper plan for addressing other issues first. Seems way too early.

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Blizzard, please consider what you’re doing to the faction balance of the servers with this style of free character transfer! We’ve put so much time into leveling these characters and they’re going to be stuck in servers with 9:1 faction balance. This is so bad for the player experience. This is worse than lag.



Fact: rolled horde

Lmao. Enjoy the bed you made, zergling

If you don’t like it, reroll alliance


Strange, on the three servers I play the balance is 80:20 A:H or worse, 60:40 A:H, and 55:45 A:H. But please, tell me more about how it’s a faction specific issue.