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Which NA PvP servers other than Heartseeker have an alliance majority?
edit: Faerlina, I think, is 55:45 A:H, but that is far from imbalanced.

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Available data for my three servers, which coincides to a decent degree on 2 out of 3** servers with my experience and that of those I speak with is as follows:

Ratios are A:H

Lvl 7+ 80:20
Lvl 50+ 70:30
Lvl 60 65:35

Lvl 7+ 65:35
Lvl 50+ 45:55
Lvl 60 50:50

Lvl 7+ 65:35
Lvl 50+ 75:25
Lvl 60 80:20

** I’m still low level on 1 server so can’t consider my anecdotal experience as well yet

Blizzard!!! Lock Alliance transfert to Heartseeker please! its simple lol You are killing alot of pvp server by not doing that

I just want paid transfers and of course kirtonos isnt on here either :sob:

Horde was out in force last night…You should of seen world chat.
They had BRD camped by a bunch of rogues just merc’n people when they jumped down.
Chillwind camp was getting farmed
LH had a ton of people asking more and more back up. (This went on for a while)
Eye of shadow farm was huge world pvp
this was just what I saw in chat…I experienced the brd lol…

So, all you horde stay away!! lol nah all the horde transfer so we always have this going on. Horde that are here are pretty solid at pvp…

Id like to see 1k-2k horde transfer. would make a very very fun pvp server.

Im sorry but some servers cant be saved. but some could be made into awesome realms if the community did something and transferred. Meaning horde…Alliance can stay put but I know they will transfer too.

grizzworld btw

Just think of it as phase 2.0.5 and that you’re getting a patch really, really fast.


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I guess Blizz know it’s going to be a cluster for phase 2 world pvp with all the faction imbalance, so they’re letting people escape now. I’m sure they’ll introduce paid transfers when there’s enough qqing about it from those who couldn’t move.

Save us GRIZZLY, your our onlyhope

Really happy I’ll be able to get off Herod, the Earthfury transfers ended the same day I decided to take the plunge. Thank you blizzard!


I wish there was faction restricted transfers. Has this ever been done? Is it even possible to begin with?

I sincerely doubt faction restricted transfers would work. A majority of horde on horde dominated servers will just stick it out because they don’t see an issue at all and will refuse to give up a ridiculous population advantage.

All you would accomplish would be punishing players like me. I would have to deal with the queue that WILL come Tuesday along with the still insane population disparity.

Good idea in theory but it wouldn’t work.

Also blizz has never cared about faction balance on realms. The transfers are for total population to reduce queues period.


grizzly will hold the ladder

Blizzard is trying to get players to move before the single layer restriction starts on all servers. So that huge queue times can be avoided.

If your not willing to give up your dominant faction and transfer for free to a server where the opposing faction dominates that’s on you.

Very good point, why would they transfer.


So judging by the selective blue replies ignoring 95% of this thread pointing out the same very real issue of imbalance… Can someone forward this thread to the shareholders or something?

I’m like half joking but come on, what is the deal here? They abandoned the #nochanges philosophy pretty quickly, so it doesn’t seem like it would relate to that either.

I saw someone mention that they are just padding the demand for paid xfers down the line, seems like the that is only real possibility.

That’s why when I saw that 10k upvoted post on the subreddit I shook my head, good intentions yes but to get enough horde to leave Herod for example you’d have to have faction specific queue times so the server is “balanced” as well as restricting the dominant faction’s ability to make more characters.

But we can’t do that because we can’t punish players on either side for playing their faction. Faction balance is definitely going to take a bit but with wow pvp servers it was destined to do so no matter what.

Unfortunate but human nature dictates for people to go to the majority so they can get a dopamine rush from griefing, which is really what the fuss is about. They want to camp flight paths and block BRM and farm towns like Lakeshire. 10v1 isn’t really PvP. Battlegrounds are.

The only solution I can muster up is turning off faction transfers for Alliance off Stalagg for example. Yes Horde may not leave, however Alliance will leave as they continue to spam in world/trade chat of their intentions.

It’s funny though, organized groups in BRM on raid-day-tuesdays dominate the Horde for the most part—even if they have high numbers. However word of mouth is a powerful thing, and people complaining otherwise tend to shout louder than those who are content with their realm and will make do.


It’s not a great solution to punish the alliance with server queues because the horde refuse to leave

The only reason transfers are even a thing right now is because of server population overall not because of faction reasons, the priority is reducing or eliminating queue times for high population realms not making sure the majority faction has people to grief

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