WoW Classic Update Schedule and Free Character Moves

there is a blue post that says that if you contact support that may be able to reverse the transfer, so if you did go do that if you want

Seems to me that rejigging the layer system would be the ideal way to bring balance to the servers.

Just shove everyone from the minority faction and an equal number from the dominant faction into layer 1 then throw everyone else from the dominant faction into a spillover layer. Allow people from the dominant faction in layer 1 to join with someone from the spillover layer to transfer to the spillover layer but not the other way.

Has character creation been disabled for the dominant faction on servers where transfers have been blocked for the minority faction? If not then the bandwagoning will continue (and might even increased as this is effectively Blizzard admitting that one faction vastly outnumbers the other).

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BTW Live Chat was disabled at 4:20PM PST, not 5:00PM PST. So ‘f*ck em’ is blizzard’s stance on their own screwups

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It wasn’t last minute though, people looked into the code in the new build days ago and found lines of code referencing faction restrictions. I can see why people would think this was last minute but there is more evidence leaning towards this was always the plan.

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Hey Blizzard, this is a very specific request that probably will never the day of light, but would it be possible to have a free server transfer from Bigglesworth (US) to Arugal (OCE). I have my main on Bigglesworth as my old vanilla buddies (who were all American) played on that server, one of our friends is not longer with us to play wow, and therefore everyone (my friends) has sort of stopped playing classic. I am an Australian and met with some guys who play on Arugal, and have since been playing on that. I really want to main Paladin again, but I am hesitant to level one on that realm encase there is a paid transfer service I can use to get my Bigglesworth Pally to Arugal. Im not entirely hopeful that a paid transfer service will be implemented, so would it be possible to have this as an option? US to OCE and visa versa, I’m sure next to no one will be using it, but the people who are could really benefit from it. Cheers!

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WTB paid transfer


No sympathy for Alliance who transferred to a server that was 90/10 Alliance/Horde. Typical Alliance fashion to abandon your own faction on a server where they need you all while making imbalance worse on both servers. Cowards. I will enjoy killing them in Heartseeker. Horde Heartseeker master race.


So tired of feeling like im playing on a dead server despite that its faerlina, the most populated. I was excited that without the layering this would make it feel more alive, but i see that you idiots at blizz found a way to ruin that too.

Fixed that for you.

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just allow paid transfers, i got trolled into a west coast server that i had no clue was west coast and i need to be on east coast JAWNT, ill take the $$ hit, just let me give u my money to make me feel betterr

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can we get a transfer from Azuresong to some eastern realms, as a lot of us joined before it was listed what time zone it was in and really effects the ability to play and group up.

I’m in a similar position. I have a toon on Faerlina that I’d love to transfer to one of the three available Oceanic pvp realms. I don’t really care which, I started the toon on Faerlina to play with a friend and they have moved to another US pvp server. I think I’d rather continue to level on a server with the best latency.


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Where’s Grumbles with a cookie when you need one.

LOL @ Alliance who thought they were going to be able to escape the Phase 2 Reaping.

Looks like meat’s back on the menu, boys!

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Playing in retail.

Any reason why Management didn’t look at faction balance on the 2nd or even 3rd set of transfers that were open? Kromcrush was one of the more balanced realms on launch and Alliance transferred off during the 1st wave. That just led to more Alliance leaving on the 2nd and 3rd wave and destroyed our Faction balance on the server. Alliance should have never been allowed to transfer on the 2nd and 3rd wave when it started to become Horde dominated.

Please do this on retail wow or address the low population realms and connect us to more.

Excellent. It is good that you’re finally doing faction specific free transfers!