WoW Classic Update Schedule and Free Character Moves

100% this.
As a horde on Heartseeker I have 0 sympathy for alliance attempting to worsen the situation even further.


happy that it’s horde-only transfers and that it’s something that’s doable tech wise, so all good on that front. But not gonna lie whatever issue caused it to temporarily be all faction is pretty funny, like you accidentally pierced the heart (get it?) of any guild trying to make the faction balance worse.

Would probably be a good idea to let them come back if possible, but it’s a shooting star to see a bug have social consequences. So weirdly im happy to see it happen at least once in real time.

Anyone with half a brain could’ve saw this happening. They should’ve had it set for faction specific transfers from the start. They dropped the ball big time on this.

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What’s hilarious is it’s like 95% Horde praising Blizz for this, and laughing at their unfortunate fellow players.

Not surprising, since they’d do nothing to alleviate the problem themselves. And just goes to show that the community is not as good as they say it is.


Can we get actual realm populations and faction balance numbers from blizzard? That would be nice.


I’m already on a minority server, what more can we do?


I agree with Martymcflyy on this one. Alliance transferring to Heartseeker are just adding to the well-known issue. A simple scan on the forums or checking one of the many wow population websites will give you the idea of the faction imbalance on Heartseeker. Now they’re mad that alliance xfers got cutoff to an alliance dominant server. The irony is kinda hilarious and I get their frustration. But at the same time Blizzard needs to fix this. It should’ve been Horde only to Heartseeker to begin with. They have the ability to fix it…but will they?

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PvP to PvE is a transfer from a harder experience to an easier one.

I think you read his post backwards.

Why are Alliance transferring to Alliance dominated servers to begin with? You reap what you sow. No sympathy here.


So what’s the plan now? If half the guild is on Heartseeker and the other half is on Skeram do we ask half the guild to reroll on Heartseeker? Do we reroll on Skeram just in time for phase 2 honor farm fest? This was terribly executed. Really aren’t leaving players with a lot of options here…

We’re coming from HORDE dominated servers, using the only option given to us from blizzard to try and get on a server where it doesn’t take 45 min to put together a BRD. It’s not that hard to understand


EVERYONE would go back to Stalagg if a certain guild got force transferred to Faerlina, just saying

Horde player with no sympathy for Alliance well I’m absolutely shocked.


Blizzard PLEASE let Alliance transfer off of the cesspool that is Stalagg. The server is dying and the Alliance remaining there will likely quit soon besides Grizzly.

Stalagg is a horrible experience as an Alliance. Leveling is exhausting in contested zones due to relentless camping and will be impossible above level 48 when honor comes out and 60’s get honor from ganking lowbies trying to level. Horde will attack even though they know they can’t win 1v1 because if you defend yourself 5-10 geared level 60’s will show up and finish the job within a minute. Every PvP engage is 5-20 vs 1 or 2. Getting killed everyone once in awhile is fine but these no-lifer ?? horde will camp your corpse because they don’t have anything better to do. It’s not how a PvP server was back in vanilla.

And all the horde saying wahh it can’t be that bad: come roll an Alliance on Stalagg and get to 60. Until then, your opinion has no factual basis and doesn’t matter.


It’s the same scenario on Heartseeker but reversed.
And all the alliance fleeing here (or attempting to) worsen it and their previous servers.

To all the guilds that got split up I can empathize with how awful that must be.
But you’re also the reason these servers aren’t fun for either side.


THANK YOU Blizzard for listening to our concerns, server balance is key to wow classic’s pvp experience, thank you !

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Transfer to Stalagg, thats an option right?

Probably for the same reason Horde on Horde-dominated servers wont sack up and move to help be a proactive contributor to the imbalance solution.

On 5:1 or worse servers, dominant factions are having a jolly good time 3v1, 5v1, and worse, then telling the minority faction their options are:

  1. stop crying
  2. reroll pve
  3. play retail
  4. quit

The vile herd mentality of these piranha butt monkeys is baffling.


Yet you are advocating for this to continue and get worse. Worse for Heartseeker due to too many Alliance, and worse for the source servers due to too few.

I transferred to HS knowing of the balance. Some people do try to help make some difference.

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Nope, Horde on HS have no transfer options. Which is good because we need every one we can get.