WoW Classic Update Schedule and Free Character Moves

You’re wrong… blizzard can learn from 15 years of mistakes and take proactive actions to prevent these types of problems ahead of time. Or now by opening faction specific xfers instead of open.

but did they?

Did they what? Learn? No, so don’t act like that is players’ fault.

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It is. You don’t like being told it’s PvP players’ fault, but that’s ok. PvP players are always blaming others for their problems and failings anyway.

None of the solutions offered by the players has the slightest chance of working, as no Horde are going to move off of their cushy over-balanced servers. It’s the PvP player mentality.


As mentioned, it’s blizzards fault for letting pvp players take this course of action when they have 15 years of data showing it would happen. Open transfers should have limited 40/60 imbalance at most from the start - you’re wrong if you think this wouldn’t work or you’re just a pathetic blizzard fan boi that thinks they can do no wrong. Either way your opinion means f-all if you don’t play on PvP servers because that’s what we’re talking about here so just shut your fan boi mouth.

Make me?

Seriously. Got an internet tough guy over here folks.

Blizzard has done plenty wrong. However, letting players decide where and how they want to play isn’t one of those things.

You did this to yourselves. Get over it, or don’t play. It’s really that simple. (Also, your tears nourish me.)

No moron, I am a product of a series of blizzard mistakes. First their lack of servers forced me into ridiculous queues, which I then took the only server transfer they offered me to get away from them, where I was flooded with opposing faction because of their lack of management. So explain to me how this is at all in any way a mistake I chose?

You have thousands of people flooding forums with this very issue, because blizzards lack of management. You know who isn’t here, the people who just have an option to go to a cushy server. It’s the people getting shafted after constantly being screwed by blizzard. Pull your head out…


And here you go continuing the attacks, as is typical of your ilk.

This is why many of the community have no sympathy for you.

First, you roll on high-population PvP servers, KNOWING FULL WELL how the population was going to skew. Then you gang-gank any Alliance that DARE to try to do dungeons or raids on YOUR server. Then you whine and complain after they take their opportunity to get away from you. You had the same opportunity to leave.

So, the question must be asked… If the Horde are soooooooo upset at not having more Alliance to gank, why didn’t any of you take the free transfers that have been offered, or that ARE BEING OFFERED AGAIN.

You want a balanced server, then a bunch of Horde take the transfers to Heartseeker and make it balanced.

You won’t, because you don’t want to lose your advantage. This is a player created problem, not a Blizzard one, and calling people “morons”, etc. isn’t going to fix it.

Get over it kid, take the transfer, deal with it, or don’t play. Those are your options.

Life isn’t fair. You’ll learn that when you grow up.


Yet here you are, still paying a “bad company” to play their “bad game”.

The opinions of addicts can be safely disregarded.

Blizzard has done many things wrong. Not forcing faction balance was not one of them.

It’s interesting you think so, being that current evidence eludes Blizzard disagrees.

According to info from BlizzCon the Classic team is aware of the imba and previously didn’t have tools developed to facilitate faction specific transfers.

In the upcoming patch’s .lua there are numerous functions and error catches for faction restriction as it relates to using the Classic ingame Store. One such example reads along the lines of, not eligible Alliance restrictions, and is tied to a faction.restriction function that has been added to the store.

We’ll see how it is leveraged, but development hours aren’t commit to integrate something into production if there isn’t some intention to utilize it in some manner.

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I really wish Blizzard would post a realm population status page. Yes, I know there are sites that “try” to aggregate this data, but real data would be nice. While long queues suck, I love knowing that I can actually find a party, or find items on the AH. I would hate to transfer off from a realm with 100,000+ characters to one with 9,000 total and lose all ability to raid or find parties.

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Is a factually incorrect supposition. The available data and anecdotal data of countless people shows that there are numerous Alliance skewed servers, even before the transfers. My initial server was one of them, as are my two additional servers.

I find it comical that this point is harped on incessantly when quite literally in this thread there are numerous examples of imba leaning toward Alliance.

Without current and validated data by Blizzard, it is impossible for a player to know which faction is overwhelming which servers when initially choosing their servers during the time frame around and shortly thereafter launch.

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@Muzak take a look at this link. It only represents populations that raid, so that pretty much debunks your theory.

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Do you seriously believe that after all this time Blizzard is confused about faction imbalance?

If they haven’t done anything about it so far it’s probably safe to assume they won’t now.

We’re both speculating on their motives.

You speculate that Blizzard is incompetent. I speculate that they’re indifferent.

I don’t think Blizzard has any real interest or concern about Classic other than how to move the returning players back to Retail as soon as possible.

Classic isn’t a profit center; it’s a loss leader.

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Please rectify Realm faction imbalance! This needs to be addressed with upmost importance, A healthy and active PVP community depends on this !!!

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Extremely dissapointing to see that faction balance is not even addressed. There have been multiple forum posts on this with hundreds of replies and nothing has been done. Also, I don’t understand when Blizzard pins comments. Usually the comment (like the one above) is basically making fun of the company and yet they pin it for everyone to see? I wouldn’t be surprised if the rest of the Alliance population on Stalagg, for instance, transfers over to Heartseeker to avoid being massively outnumbered, only to create the same problem for Horde on the latter server. smh.

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