WoW Classic Update Schedule and Free Character Moves

Is there a reason transfers from Skeram to Arcanite Reaper are not available yet?


HAHAHAHAHAHA you people can’t even remake your own game


So the list you provided is totally inaccurate or what?

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LOL! So, the whiny horde players got their way, and now the Alliance players that were going to transfer are simply going to quit. So, the Horde players are still going to lose their targets. But, instead of just one server being affected, it’s going to be the game as a whole as more people leave because of being split from their friends/guilds.

WTG Horde players. You messed everyone over. Get a clue.


Transferred 2 of my characters to Heartseeker, 1 of my alts is stuck on Stalagg because of faction lock being implemented late.
Even better, HALF of my guild didnt get to transfer in time, so we’re split between Stalagg and Heartseeker.
Even BETTER, my roommate didnt make it to transfer in time and is locked on Stalagg while I’m on Heartseeker.


Could you elaborate? Were you alliance transferring, horde? Use your classic toon.

Congratulations, Blizzard. I am proud of your wonderful work on WoW Classic. I have had so much fun in the last two months playing your beautiful game. I am very proud of the team that you put on the WoW Classic project, and can’t wait to see what you do next. All of these people complaining about faction imbalance, the need for server xfers, and guilds being split up during those server xfers because of alleged lack of communication and competency of your part need to be more grateful for this WONDERFUL game you have provided us.

  • A Longtime WoW Fan
    For the Alliance!

I’d just delete all of my toons and move on to other games. Not joking. That would be unacceptable on every level. Bye blizz would be my response.


On reddit, that’s what many are talking about doing. Just wait till more of the guild gets on after work, etc to see that their guild is gone, and they can’t follow them.

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Can I have your stuff?

Also summarizes how every transfer has been conducted thus far.

How nice of you to literally leave up Alliance transfers for 30 minutes off Stalagg in the middle of the day while people are at work, effectively splitting entire guilds in half. Hope you’re happy with the result of actually killing what few Alliance guilds were on Stalagg to begin with. Just another example of where Blizzard put in a fraction of the effort required to make sure something goes smoothly.


I cancelled my sub over a week ago due to Ion’s attitude toward flying at Blizzcon. Though I still have 20 days until my gametime runs out, so I shall post on the forums and laugh at the failures (including this one.)

And no, you can’t have my stuff. If I give it to anyone, it’ll be a decent person that has never been rude to me. :slight_smile:

Its very unfortunate that this happened. But it’s ironic that your guild name is Cry Moar hahahahaha

Again, sorry for your loss.

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It causes you tears.

This is good enough for me.

How is it the Horde’s fault that Blizzard decided to cut off transfers without any prior warnings or notice? Faction locking transfers was the best solution IF Blizzard gave any mention or notice prior to them just hotfixing it on us.

Bye Felicia :wave:

's all good.

Just means I won’t have to deal with people like you.

After all, the community is actually good in FFXIV.