WoW Classic Update Schedule and Free Character Moves

You go run a multihundred million dollar business full of investors. And let the forums guide your decisions for the game and see where you go.

Give me a list of all the games that actively listen to there forum rats and have the income WoW does, go ahead, i will wait.

I imagine this is sarcastic in that case, and you feel there should be steps taken?

Interestingly in the .lua for the upcoming patch, there are error catches for faction.restriction, so we’ll see.

Large companies always consider customer feedback. How and the time frame for implementation will be relative to sprint/quarterly pipeline prioritization, but they most certainly consider the net promoter score when making their priorities.

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This is a forum of angry people, how many years did tuesday maintance threads exist?? From people that couldnt go a few hours from WoW? Not to mention that blitz garbage. I wouldnt use this forum for gauging anything other then how many people get angry over the dumbest things.

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Customer feedback is vital in decision making. Of course there is negative feedback, it is the type more people are willing to provide without surveys and questionnaires. Sorting through it and determining underlying trends helps drive decision making.

Such as with this thread and many like it. There are rumors from BlizzCon that the Classic team is working on faction specific transfers, and with the new error catches in the next patch’s .lua it might actually happen.

If I was working as a consultant for Blizzard, I’d love to scrape these forums for underlying trends to facilitate determining NPS.

Many people here are most likely not angry so much as frustrated. Vanilla servers took time to get to the imba we’re seeing now; however, the minimal servers at launch, rapid addition of servers, and the xfer’s exacerbating it have generated exceptionally bias servers in a relatively short duration.

This truly does impact game play and a degree of balance is vital to vanilla; there are even events that require both factions to have enough players to catalyze advancement for the entire server. The few Horde of HS, or few Ally of Stalagg, will have difficulty assisting w/ AQ gate opening for instance.

Which server are you playing on at what level? Do you experience this issue?

Should only be horde transfers off stalagg.

Well there you have it people- the one guy that was cheering when Diablo Immortal was announced.


Why not? Sorry you dont like mobile games. Considering they are the #1 revenue in gaming right now. Shame you, and people like you, think your the only voices that matter. AKA your way or its wrong.

Wheres the list?

Oh, I am for customer service 100 pct. What i am against is people with the im right your wrong attitude when it comes to changes/altering the flow of a game. These forums flood with WoW is dying blah blah blah. This imbalance has lasted 15 years and the game is still going strong. Its one thing to ask, its another to talk smack. These forum goers wanna talk smack about blizz, then ask. Then proceed to nit pick every decision they made just because they do not agree.

I rolled on Skeram, but I dont play classic atm, having more fun in retail. When bgs become I thing I shall return.

Because moving to heartseeker is effectively moving to a pve realm if you’re alliance. Ranking on a server with minimal opposing faction is also impossible.

I can tell you have no idea how the vanilla honor system works.

Please explain how having to compete against every single other person on your server to kill the few opposing faction makes ranking tenable.

You don’t need honor to rank, you just need more honor than the other people on your faction.

Also, the vanilla honor system’s brackets mean that only a tiny fraction can rank at a time. The goal of a ranker is two-fold. 1) Get more honor than everyone else. 2) Widen the PvP pool by getting non-rankers their 15 hk’s a week.

The ideal server for someone trying to rank is one with tons of casuals, levelers, and non-rankers, and as few rankers as possible.

If everyone on your faction is trying to rank, the competition for the top brackets will be insane.

This is wrong. You are correct in that at higher ranks you need to earn more than other people on your faction due to those ranks being limited to a certain number of people, but there is also a certain amount of honor you need to earn in order to qualify for ranks.

  1. Show me where it doesn’t simply require 15 hk’s a week to get ranks.

  2. There are actually horde on Heartseeker. When I checked last, there were about 70% as many horde on Heartseeker as there were alliance on Skeram. And it will likely go up next week with the new transfers.

Looking it up you’re right. There is a floor but its substantially lower than I had thought, only 15 hks.

Or, the percentage on skeram alliance goes down because they head to heartseeker and as a resut the percentage of horde on heartseeker also goes down as alliance from all the transfer servers come in.

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We need specific faction transfert!

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Why am I constantly paying for your mistakes Blizzard?

My friends and I took the week of launch off work to enjoy the nostalgia of playing together and try to grind out a good portion of leveling. Because of your trash planning, we had to work around ridiculous queues and some people couldn’t even log in to play the first night.

While we waited for you to solve the problem, our friends that had to work during the day and had 5 hours queues when they got home from work flat out couldn’t play with us and started on another server, assuming you would somehow correct your own mistakes and make things right, allowing them to transfer to meet up with friends. But even once servers opened, only the overpopulated servers were able to transfer to the same server we were able to, so they had to start all over - some of them quit altogether.

And what happened once we were able to transfer? Because of your ignorance again, there were no faction balance restrictions in place and alliance flooded our server. At that time we were just happy the population was getting healthy. But you continued to open transfers and as alliance got sick of being trashed on other servers then left for us… causing horde overpopulation on those servers like stalagg pushing more alliance out the door onto our doorstep.

So for the past month I’ve been playing at somewhere around a 4 or 5 to 1 ratio of alliance to horde - making runs into any dungeo miserable. Making world pvp a joke. And making open world farming excruciating.

Now, P2 gets pushed back… why? Because you have to get people off high pop servers so you can keep your promise to remove layering. And your solution is to open up unrestricted transfers not OFF my server but to it. So the people that stayed in those queues by choice, you’re trying to help them get out of them. And the alliance there are going to flood to their safe haven - my server, heartseeker. But what option have you given me? None. I can’t xfer off, I’m just stuck in the situation you built for me and forced me into through your constant mistakes and it’s miserable. You’re ruining my vanilla experience. Get your crap together and learn from your mistakes for once in 15 years.


thats a player created issue , blizz cant fix players choices

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