WoW Classic Update Schedule and Free Character Moves

Your response ignores the context for those who are expressing their experience of imbalance. For one, Blizzard created the imbalance on many servers, Skeram included. The free server transfer function gutted the alliance population there.

Not all imbalances are created equal. I’d have no problem playing 55/45 or even 60/40. I get concerned when its 70/30 and 75/25 (which some are suggesting is the current situation on Skeram).

Finally, the majority of those asking Blizzard to reconsider aren’t asking for a balance. We’re asking for the imbalance not to get any worse. There is no need for people to server transfer at this point. The only ones who will likely leave are those experiencing being extremely outnumbered by the opposing faction.


Looking to take advantage of server transfer ( Alliance Side ) Stalagg to Arcanite Reaper , not seeing the option only Loatheb & Sul’thraze - Am I missing something ?

the new transfers start Monday

At the pace you’re mentioning, all 6 phases will be out by February 2020…

Agreed, faction balance has never been pushed by blizzard. But until Classic, it has never been unintentionally broken either. By allowing anyone to transfer, they are unintentionally making faction imbalance worse.

Blizzard could modify their server transfer implementation to only allow transfers out from the highest populated faction. This would help prevent further breaking of the imbalance and achieve the same goal of lowering high pop servers.

A legitimate win win.

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Balance of servers back on vanilla of 70-30 happened. Heck we had servers with 90-10 balance.

Doesnt matter. The moment blizzard tries to balance anything is the moment that the game starts to go downhill.

We had 70-30 or even 90-10 faction imbalance back in vanilla.

Most servers back in vanilla were in the 65-35 balance or 75-25 balance range in vanilla.

This would be to prevent them from unbalancing servers further. More in line with do no harm, not actively try and change balance.

Agreed, doesn’t mean that is ideal, nor intended, nor unable to be fixed with a small modification to their free server transfer system.

Well this just killed the Little PVP that was on Stalagg. obviously getting us ready for paid transfers Coming in 2020!!
** wish i could freely transfer to non Full Servers from a full server**. A one time transfer to a lower pop server of your choice. why cant we have this ? The longer you waited with these forced transfers that didn’t do too much, the worse it is for the economy of the game!

Thank you for offering these transfers, Blizzard.

The crying of the people that are running out of people to gank is glorious.

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#no changes, they didnt do this in vanilla, so why in classic???

#no changes, you didnt want other QoL soooooooo, enjoy it : )

(reffering to implementing a faction balance system)

Will I be able to xfer OFF of Loatheb? Any English speaking server that isn’t dead would be great.

There are zero advantages to being on the outnumbered faction. It sucks while leveling, it sucks while doing dungeons/raids, and it sucks in world PvP. And unlike what many people like to claim, being outnumbered will even make it harder to rank.

Servers need casual players. They need them for a healthy economy and a healthy world. You can’t have a server of only raid-loggers and hardcore PvP’ers. For every ranker you need 30 casuals because of how the honor system’s brackets work.

Casuals don’t want to play on an imbalanced server, even a 60/40 server is miserable. Which is why they left at the first opportunity. And if Blizzard allows it now you will see floods more leave(especially if they leave transfers open for a couple weeks after Phase 2 begins and people have time to feel what phase 2 is actually like). Moreover, no new players are going to make an alliance character on Skeram or Stalagg, as the old players quit, the server slowly dies.

Until there is some benefit to playing on the outnumbered faction, I see no reason anyone would stay on any server where they are outnumbered. I have no clue why the rest of the alliance on Skeram/Stalagg stay there.

As others have mentioned before, if there were no cross-realm BG’s then horde might actually want to reroll alliance to avoid hours-long queues. But with cross-realm BG’s, queues shouldn’t be that much different regardless of faction.

A lot of people complaining about the free transfers are asking for paid transfers. But paid transfers would actually makes faction-imbalance far worse than the current free transfers because people could transfer anywhere. The primary reason many alliance aren’t transferring to Heartseeker or Earthfury isn’t because they love where they are, but because they don’t see Heartseeker as an improvement. If everyone could transfer to any server they wanted, half the current servers would be dead.

Moreover, I think a lot of people who are stuck on heavily imbalanced servers will just quit the game as phase 2 gets going because it is going to be absolutely miserable. I would rather those people have the option to transfer somewhere where they can continue to enjoy the game.

Heartseeker welcomes all.

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UH OH they’re at it again

When many vanilla servers got to this point, there was also PCT to leave if you desired.

There were also many many more servers in vanilla, and many were not as poorly balanced.

How short sighted. Having decent balance is advantageous for both factions.

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Are you mocking #nochanges while simultaneously supporting it?

Ignoring glaring issues, the fans and what is happening in their game is about as genuine to the vanilla experience as you can get.

Either they’re completely ignoring everything, or they’re maliciously trying to ruin classic because they hate having to spend time on it and if it fails SH will demand they shut it down.

They know how much the playerbase despise the content they want to make- Sylvanas fan fiction and nonsense stories like BfA that go nowhere- and how much we loved content back when they put effort into it, like TBC or WotLK. The last thing they want to have to do is make classic xpac servers too, and the only way to avoid that is to show their SH and China that Classic utterly failed.


Nope, just mocking it. There is lots of QoL features for classic that should be implemented but the #crew doesnt want changes, but they will cry for this one.

Server imbalance was present at classic, so #nochanges