WoW Classic Update Schedule and Free Character Moves

Transfer is approaching the 40 hour mark of being stuck.

29 hrs here. If that’s the secret plot to get me back to playing retail it ain’t working. O.o

Been waiting around 40 hours as well. Please let us know what the cause is for the delay of server transfers and/or when it will be fixed or if its even being looked at ! Please also compensate us with free gametime, some people have been in queue for 5 days !

Update from blue about 12 minutes ago.

EASY RATIO FIX - I have been saying this for 10+ years-CAP CAP CAP Each server faction at 500 players (OR for example 5 % ) over the other faction. When the Cap is reached a Message pops and Says “The Server Faction Cap Has Been Reached” when the opposing faction creates more characters this will open your Faction to more available character creations. Side Note Allow the Player a choice to create the character but PUT IN A QUE to get in line for when a spot opens. This will maintain a 1 to 1 ratio or close enough to make servers better and less lopsided. Also if you do not log into a toon for 14 days (or w/e) you should be counted as a non existing player and put into a QUE hold and only allowed back in if the ratio guidelines are met. This would create a balanced world where 1 faction is not steamrolling another.


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What lag? Sounds like an issue with you.

Let the Alliance leave Skeram - you already did and that is what caused the problem that we currently have. There is PvP, and getting outnumbered in every single zone you go to.

If you’re not going to allow alliance to transfer and it’s horde only (Herod for me) why make alliance sit in queue? should let alliance through and make horde wait in queue to help convince them to transfer.


I guess I missed the memo that the rocket scientists at Blizzard decided to deliberately let Blaumeux die. By letting a select group of Ally that got the heads up escape Blizzards little hellhole they’ve just guaranteed the remaining hideously outnumbered Ally will just quit. The balance is non existent and the horde are just camping all boats, and most flight points. Blackrock Mountain is a joke.

Becuause game devs are bad devs. :smiley:

They gotta git gud. Then they quit and move to real companies - lol. I still wouldn’t hire em + would give a negative evaluation when I interview em cuz, well … game devs, kek.

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BLUE. THIS. I can’t get to Scholo, I can’t get to Strat, I can’t get to BRM, I can’t get to DM. There’s nothing to do because there are raids of Horde corpse-camping everywhere you go.


Thalnos needs an answer to dead server. No AH activity on Alliance, my prices are fair and everytime I put items up, maybe 1 sells out of 30-40 items and stacks. Very dead market, dead player base. Cannot make gold and have very small player base to dungeon with. Please address this terrible situation. Or at least provide me an option to transfer off this god forsaken server.

They’re trying, (see horde only transfers). If only alliance transfer its not blizz’s fault. They have to make the whiny alliance players happy so giving them the option to transfer shuts them up. They have to try and “balance” servers (again see horde only transfers). If you have some secret amazing plan that’s better than this I’m sure blizz would love to hear it. I’m sure they purposely eff everything up and don’t spend hours and hours making these decisions and taking into account all factors and trying to keep everyone happy. Good lord

If horde transfers off server how does that help alliance economy??? It doesn’t. Can’t sell stuff ain’t a horde problem, that is a faction problem of a dieing server.

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This is bad logic, and by your own admission of consequences will also drive horde on heartseeker to quit. If you’re not proposing a better solution then you can’t say that isn’t the best option.

There is no solution to the problem. People who like playing ugly monsters also like ganking others, aka wPvP. No surprise.

I personally don’t care about the horde on that server quitting either. There are far too many of those anyway.

Why is kirtonos not on the list? I want to move to heartseeker, please and thank you blizzard. (as a horde)

What kind of queue time do you have in the evenings ?

Option was given, it was a transfer from Thalnos to Netherwing on the first weeks of wow, I took it because of the “huehuehue” community. But the option was there.