WoW Classic Update Schedule and Free Character Moves

You know what. I’m on Grobbulus, us server? I didn’t know there was 3? But pretty even as I see it. So if you’re horde come on down. If you’re alliance come join us. rumor has it that alliance did a raid in U.C. 400 strong? As for what I see. nothing like getting off boat at Theramor and run into a horde raiding boat. lmao. Or a couple weeks later, horde on theramor wall killing alliance as they try and go for the flight path. all these happen at different server times. It’s a blast. See u there

If you know this server xfer bs is going to ruin ur game play, ur right come to Grobbulus (US). Its better to have a Q timer than to spend yrs playing on a server that’s going to suck. Trust me, been there done that like most of u all.
You better hurry before blizzard finds out and panics.

If not enough of the overpopulated faction is using the free transfer, maybe implement faction specific login queues as the next nudge?

Multiple large guilds have already transferred. Population is up across all zones and from census results.

It seems Blizzard thinks it will help, and evidence this far shows it already is.

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Unreliable and unable to be taken seriously.

[citation needed]


Believe what you will. The HS discord is covered with new people, zones have more Horde pop, and cities are finally returning 50+ players in them.

I’ve seen the new guilds already recruiting and in zones. Showtime moved to HS which is an absolutely awesome addition and huge guild.

The results aren’t very reliable, but have been constant over the last three weeks and have already had an increase.

Interestingly, you mentioned that this irritated Ally players, but the Ally in HS discord were cheering about it when it was implemented.

According to new guilds on HS there is already a queue for the transfer to go through as well, while there wasn’t at first.

This is all while the Layered servers weren’t reduced to a single layer yet. Once they are if queue times are outrageous we may see even more.


How do I find this HS Discord?

You just ask :slight_smile:

ht tps://

Anyone know if there are any restrictions on the number of characters you can transfer? Obviously folks have bank alts, etc. by now.

Nope, as long as the transfer is open you can migrate as many as you need.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to advertise the release date for phase 2 as the release date for the honor system. As the actual content is honor grinding and world bosses not moving to 1 layer?

I started my server transfer last night at 10:40pm on my main. It estimated 1 hour and 7 minutes. It is now 2:18pm the following day and it still has not transferred… All of my friends I am transferring with are also still in a “Transferring” status… Whats going on?

Thalnos is trash for anyone who is not already in an established guild. If a person likes zerg mentality raiding, or following the same boring mindless strategies every week then that person will be fine on Thalnos. For a person who doesn’t wish to follow brainless raid leaders with no gift of forethought , this server is trash.

Just means a ton of people trying to xfer at the same time. Causing it to take longer than the estimated time.

Started my transfer at 11ish PM last night, still waiting for any movement/progress of any kind, all my chars are still on their previous server.

I wish I could say I was surprised, but since Classic WoW was announced, the Classic team has done nothing but underestimate player interest in nearly every way possible, so not preparing for the amount of transfers that would inevitably happen in this wave is par for the course.

15+ hours and counting on the transfer. Apparently it can take up to 72 hours when they’re really swamped, so be prepared to wait a few days to be able to use your paid game time again. Wouldn’t be so frustrating if they were just upfront about the wait time, but their “Estimated Time:” has been at 1hr 17 min for 15 hours, so there’s zero transparency and you gotta just wait blindly until they get their act together. Gah.

Interesting… none of your suggestions really make all that much sense.

Accepting status quo is lazy, unimaginative, and almost never a solid solution for anything long-term.

This is the kind of mentality that companies like Blockbuster had when Netflix first came out.

Those are examples of responses you will get from players representing the grossly dominating faction. Sorry if that was unclear.

So Stalagg was already marked as 1 layer. Now there’s a queue. That doesn’t make a lot of sense unless a TON of people came back tonight for… no content?

At any rate, the horde on my server aren’t leaving, and now I can’t transfer my characters to any server? I know Heartseeker was full, but why isn’t Arcanite Reaper an option? The queue screen indicates transfers are available, but I have no choices to transfer to avoid the queue? That hardly seems fair.

The barrier to faction transfers was lifted at the end of WotLK, like 3.3 I’m fairly certain. I remember that day vividly because I ran on wild hammer that was a pvp server relatively balanced, then a bunch of ally’s transferred to horse and I saw several familiar names raiding/blowing up the storm wind AH

I just reread… No, that wasn’t your fault. I misread. I apologise!