Horde only tranfer results?

Nothing wrong with being the little spoons sometimes.

(I figured I would get responses like horde this and alliance that so just ignored em.)

It’ll be interesting to see if Blizzard will eventually open the free transfer to both factions again when there number of transfers are too few to solve the queue issues because players don’t want to ‘leave a populated server to move to a dead server’.

Why would horde want to transfer off a server they are dominating?


You mean forced transfer? Sounds like a big pr fail.

Since you don’t seem to be aware of this, in fact there are overall more horde playing on pvp servers than alliance. It doesn’t matter how they try to “balance” it. It can’t be done.


Horde: "Alliance transferring off Whitemane* (Insert horde dominated server here) are chit players with weak stomachs, they should suck it up and stay for us to beat on

Also Horde: “I’m not going to Heartseeker, its dominated by alliance, ill be camped non stop.”



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I haven’t seen that anywhere o.o it’s all been really positive in chat and disc.

Maybe some fringe people, but it’s probably very isolated.

It can actually. Set population size limit by faction, set it low enough that Alliance will fill their allotment, and implement faction based queue. Then there wont be more horde than alliance in game. The overflow can just wait in queue or reroll.


Faction queues: problem solved.

Why should the much lower faction have to share a queue with the dominating faction?


What is this word “can” you are using to describe an untested hypothesis, given that pvp queue times have never worked in the past to have any effect on population balance?

You are of course omitting the third and most likely alternative. Large numbers of players who have paid to play the game and now find they will no longer be permitted to will quit entirely.

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Lets be honest. If they haven’t quit yet after the stellar launch, multitude of layering exploits, questionable free transfers and 0 launch population control measures, they arent quitting.

They’ll just wait their turn to play like they did when the queue was 8 hours long on launch day.

No, you be honest. You wouldn’t change faction and/or server if someone reassigned you arbitrarily after you were promised you could play with your friends. Now expected to throw away all the work you put into your characters, you would quit too.

I hate people who think the solution to all problems in the game is forcing other players to do something they wouldn’t do themselves, imagining that those other players would gladly kneel in front of you and say, “Thank you sir. May I have another?”

Yeah. Sure they’re going to throw away all the work they’ve done to reroll on another server which will be even more imbalanced. No, wait, they won’t be permitted to play there either! Because the number of horde on pvp realms is so much larger than the number of alliance that the only way to get any sort of balance is to remove large numbers of paid subscribers from the game.

Great business plan you have there.


Good thing we’re not doing that then. I waited in queue just like everyone else did, and would do so again if it meant more balanced servers.

Unbalanced servers simply aren’t worth playing on.

The ultimate solution is always to revert back to same server BGs- Horde keep their ez mode wpvp, but the consequence is higher queue times. Both sides get a benefit, there’s actually some consolation for being on the outnumbered side- and it makes it more enticing to not stack a server like Horde have done.

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Except that you’re not. You’re only saying that because you know you wouldn’t have to wait in queue at all. It’s the horde players who will have options forced on them that you wouldn’t take.

You want them to “balance” your server by forcing large numbers of horde players to quit. Good luck with that.

And you can keep repeating that silly line about “those players will want to faction switch to alliance.” They won’t.

People who have the option of playing the game the way they have chosen to removed from them have overwhelmingly quit over the years. This would be no different. Changing the rules at this point would feel like a bait and switch.

People who leave under circumstances like the one you support don’t come back. They are gone forever.

And I know you think the game would be stronger or better with only a fraction of the players than currently play.

That’s why retail is in the mess it is now. Because every time a wave of people left over some legitimate or imagined slight, people like you said, “we don’t need those players.”

Which is why there are now 10 million fewer subscribers than there were at the start of wod.

I’m relatively certain I WOULD have to wait in queue. As one of the larger servers, if they lowered server sizes across the board as outlined in my suggested, I’d be waiting in queue just like Horde would be.

There are probably enough people to fill 3 or more original vanilla size servers on Grobbulus at the moment.

None of that is relevant. There is no way to balance servers without forcing a great many paying customers out of the game.

If you logged in one day and found you were no longer going to be permitted to play when you wanted to, “Oh, look, I just missed raid, cool!” No. Despite all your lofty claims, you’d quit too.

i can see some elietists who cant handle the grind/Networking to get high ranks and who want High warlord xfering off so they can have less competition.

Are there any "dead server"s? There are 35 servers. 7 are marked “medium”, and all the others are High or Full. I haven’t seen “Low” on the Classic realm selection pages since week 1 or 2.

I play 2 servers, so I switch several times a day, and see the realm selection pages every day.

One of my servers is a “medium” one. I’ve never been in stormwind or ironforge without seeing at least 20 other players – that I can see! That is not a “dead server” to me.

That’s the question. Considering large horde populations mean better PvE opportunities as well.