WoW Classic: The Joyous Journeys 50% Experience Buff Returns

RDF was part of the original Wrath.

Exactly. And the LFG Tool was not.

That’s not a realistic solution. RDF would pull players away from the current viable tools/method, making the latter unusable,

Gee, sounds like people would use it because it’s better

You can always ask your guild if you wanna run with people your own server.

Or maybe make friends.

See, you’re just being lazy putting in the effort!


Those are the arguments antis tell us to do atm, feels like it works when it’s the other way around too though.


Im sure your guild and your friends would still make manually formed groups with you. Especially considering the anti rdf side seems to think that theres a treadmill of them to join all content 24/7.


Boring having to drill the same responses into your heads.

Anything else or are you going to spam the same nonsense?

I was just going to say the same thing to you.


No one suggested that a guild/friend group can easily form five man parties for a particular dungeon. They’re good at forming a base and then supplementing with LFG.

But continue to misconstrue/distort points to fit your narrative lol.

If my point can’t be logically countered, don’t continually bring up the argument which my point originally countered.

This isn’t hard, people. Debate basics.

Funny, I definitely remember seeing people say “Making 4 friends isn’t hard” and “Stop being lazy and get a guild if you wanna group with others”

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Cool, go dig that random response made by someone other than me and try to use that against me.

Seems like you’re more interested in trying to stick a failed “gotcha!” on me rather than counter my points. :yawning_face:

Just like you would supplement it with RDF. In fact, the convenience would encourage far, far more groups to be formed since it’s such a simple process. Log in, gchat ‘who wants to run some dungeons’. If you get a 5 man group formed, fantastic. If not, you group up and queue. Or if you want you can still spam the LFG channel, or some random whispers to people you see in the world. The more option the group forming process has, the better. The easier it is to form groups the better. You meet more people, you experience more content. That’s…kinda the point of the game.


I understand what RDF does and that you can use it with a partially made group.

Some people don’t want the instant transportation and/or the inclusion of x-realm players and/or the non-social aspect of the tool.

We’ve talked about this plenty of times. Anything new you want to add or nah?

I was reading your other posts directed at other people where you just insult them and say they don’t want to have a discussion. Then you say something silly like that to me.

I’ve come to the conclusion you’re just here to troll. When you can’t refute something you say “We’ve already talked about that.” When people call you out on your nonsense, you redirect it at them. I’ve been on online forums since they first existed and I’m well versed in these tactics. So I’ll perform the only real solution to such a person: welcome to my ignore.

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Enjoy your echo chamber where you can regurgitate the same refuted points over and over again. :crazy_face:

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Ugh… Thanks for giving us the option to turn this off atleast. Can’t believe I need to pay 10G to turn off exp anytime I want to experience a leveling zone as it was originally intended. Why do you always cater towards people who hate playing your game? Gee maybe that has something to do with, I don’t know, the last TEN YEARS of how this game turned out since it’s peak?! Seriously lose the suits and promote your devs.

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Nothing is stopping you from staying in the zone though…?

Leveling past quests and one-shotting everything is neither fun nor enjoyable.

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You shouldn’t be one shotting things if you’re levelling in the zone and start to outlevel it a bit.

And if you go to an old zone you never went like Stonetalon by the time you’re 50 it just means you get it done faster.

Not like the game is really hard right now, unless some bored 80 of the other faction shows up you’re highly unlikely to die questing.

Edit: Reminds me of their reasoning for bringing Scaling into retail.

Or, and hear me out, you could go to an innkeeper and just turn the buff off like the first time around.

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