WoW Classic: The Joyous Journeys 50% Experience Buff Returns

That’s nice for you. Generally, I’ve found that world chat channels hold more misogynistic, homophobic, racist, puerile garbage than I would have ever believed.

It sure would be a great change to get groups going easily and quickly without needing to field such a toxic environment using RFD.

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May I suggest the following addon:

Basically, you add words to the addon and if someone types a sentence with that word, it simply doesn’t show up in your chat.

I used it for things like “boost” and “GDKP” but it’s very effective at cleaning up your chat for other things.

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what if someone is talking about the boost chocolate bar? you will have missed a good conversation

If its not permanent at this point its not even worth it.

I’d rather just have RDF. :slight_smile:

I am looking at this useless dungeon finding tool right now as a healer, looking for instances in the level ranges 70-76, and there are exactly 3 people using it - 2 tanks and 1 healer, no dps.

I’m willing to bet I’d be able to get a group right now if RDF was in the game.


Normal dungeons, you never know if you are actually going to be able to get a group together. So slowly you just stop using it, or limit its use to 10-20 minutes and give up. Why waste your time when you could be doing something else in real life.

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Never heard of it. I am sure it doesn’t hold a candle to Coffee Crisp.

People expect every mmo to be exactly what they want like they are ordering pizza.

Now games have to be like Dominos or some Karen/Kyle will be outraged.

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If only all the passive people just created a group…

Seriously though at 80 if I switch to heals I get spam invited.

Most of the population would use the RDF lol, but instead we can just use Random BG finder aka 90% of people lvling alts are just qing bgs during weekend and lvling that way, they would use RDF if we had it.

No one wants to walk around like it’s vanilla 90% of pop buys gold and does GDKPS…you really think they want to quest? no they dont hate to break it to the 1% of weridos that want to quest on 5+ alts lol

Why are you giving up after 10 minutes? You can just leave LFG listed and go do quests and check every now and again. You might even get an invite…

I would have enjoyed this more several months ago when I wanted to play WoW.

I might check it out but I am tired of Blizzard.

WoW as a single player questing game is a lacking experience so hopefully this populates lower level zones enough to get people into the LFG tool.

Otherwise, a better solution in my opinion is to just put RDF into Wrath like it was originally.

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Where do you get that statistic? On sulfuras I have only ever seen one regular DKP on the weekends. It is so easy to pug all of phase 1, why would you bother? Even my Ret Paladin is getting close to full bis without any GDKP and only pugs. The only thing she is missing is Betrayer and fury of the five flights.

I think we all know where he got it from, or I should say pulled it out of.

And they will when it was originally put in the game. It came with the release of ICC. So, you got a while to wait buddy.

RDF is a feature not content it would be consistent with pretty much everything else in classic if it was out now.


If only we had a well-tested, very popular, easy-to-use tool that was utilized by the overwhelming amount of the subscriber population for more than a decade.

If you don’t like the RDF tool, then don’t USE it.


Does that (in)consistency include Joyous Journeys, Body types 1/2, warp stalker and ugly dragon mounts, cronoboons, and emblems/gifts from normal world quests?

Asking for a friend.

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Oh yeah it’s very clear at this point blizzard doesn’t care about consistency or authenticity or even providing a good game as they keep shoving retail garbage into classic.


Let me amend what I said, if you parse for the purpose of parsing, everything I said in the exact way I said it applies.


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