WoW Classic: The Joyous Journeys 50% Experience Buff Returns

Hey, I am just trying to prevent a safe space echo chamber.

It’s a thankless job but I do it for you guys.

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Thank you for not putting that rdf garbage in game! Now could you remove lfg too?

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There doesn’t have to be lower level people to make friends. You can make friends and perhaps they’ll want to level a new character with you. Also, sure. I’m on Benediction. I’ll level a character with you.

Din’t said that. But leveling for the 10th time become boring.

Then don’t do it? Nobody is forcing you to play the game. If you don’t like it, move onto something you do like.

This is the wrong phase

And all chat channels!

Players should meet at an inn to find companions for adventures.


Wrong and lies. But carry on, I do like a good show.

A week? One of two ways this happened, You played 50 hours in said week, because you have no RL things going on to do, or you are lying. Or I guess fithly rich and played 50 hours in one week. But you did NOT playh 2-3 hours a day even all week and get to max from 1.

Lying like this is patheric then again you no rdf people have zero brains and lie and bs because … well tbh god knows.

Yes! I love it. Get rid of all instances too. Make everything open world

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This applies to XP for call to arms BGs?

I can’t wait for this, I only wish that RDF was available cause it would make this so much more fun. Either way I suppose I will have fun. Eh. =)

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Very nice of them to act on the requests to bring it back and perhaps spur some activity at the lower levels.

Will be fun to see people enjoying this but to complain that the increase is not enough seems kinda petulant to me.

The only anti-social tool in the game is /ignore.

You’d be putting it to use too, if you have any moral or ethical character and are reading my realm’s LFG chat.

It’s pretty sad.

I unsub’d two days ago. This doesn’t change much for me. I was late to classic and wanted to run the classic dungeons again. It remains to be seen if JJ will increase grouping old content.

It’s sort of sad, they are trying to retain players and make leveling better, but their approach is to make the experience faster, instead of simply improving the experience by adding RDF.


The “anti-social tool” that groups you with 4 other people so they can run team oriented content instead of camp a hyperspawn grinding murlocs for 4 hours.

JJ is going to liven up the lower levels…maybe…I contend that most everyone who played pre-wrath has already leveled an army of alts 0-60 during previous 3 years and joyous journey. There’s not much alt blood to squeeze from the stone of existing players. Additionally, low server pop and locked servers still have a population problem 0-60 in that the group content can not be run due to lack of players. That doesn’t get fixed without RDF.

Lvl 80 raiders should have no say in the RDF discussion because they don’t use it and it has no effect on them. The player base that bliz needs to focus on is the people who heard about wrath picked it up and are leveling from scratch. JJ helps these people in a way, but it does not make the game more fun. Group content in a MMO is what makes it fun. Killing mobs you can’t kill alone, but finding fellow adventurers to kill it with you is what makes it fun.


I can give suggestiosn to improve the game. That is the point of forums


cool story but you unsubbed so bye no one cares bye

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Thanks and all, but can we please stop with the band-aide measures? The patient is bleeding out here, band-aides are not good enough at this stage.

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I very rarely have LFG channel active. I only have it active if I am party lead and want to spam my macro of what I need. The chat goes by to quickly.

It was a fun channel for low pop realms like Deviate Delight. Kinda like our realm hang out.