WoW Classic: The Joyous Journeys 50% Experience Buff Returns

Gee, it’s crazy to wonder how you got so defensive when you thought I had said you had no friends to play with, methinks the lady doth protest too much

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I’m not defensive. I’m quite enjoying pointing out what a fool you are.

Well you did, then you got mad because I wouldn’t read your self-affirming drivel. Then you called me stupid, you called me American(?), then you implicitly insulted yourself by suggesting the education problem is a global one, you called me a liar, when proven wrong you changed stance suggesting “dps can’t find a group 10-80 for dungeons”, then you claimed you don’t care what other people think (a lie), now you’re getting even more defensive about being called defensive.

Ladies and gentlemen: The representative for RDF in a nutshell.


So RDF bad but 50% more XP is ok…got it


right, the lv. 10 wargen has been running tons of SM or uldum runs guys

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I have 2 lvl 80s so far. But hay, what do i know, clearly a lvl 13 retail warrior knows more than me. Those 3 levels make a huge difference right?

It was in response to someone complaining about going to SFK once. Water totem quest isn’t hard but it’s a few hours of running all over the world.

At this point I’m guessing laziness.

JJ easy to do, RDF would take effort and they can’t even be bothered to get the LFG Tool to work properly yet.


Nice we’ve all been asking for this forever now, I’m glad I can power level my Alts again.

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You’re the ultimate kind of loser. Legitimately. If anyone does a “parse run” with their guild to ensure their logs are good so they can boast on the forums about their PVE ACCOMPLISHMENTS (lmao) that is a sign you’ve gone totally wrong somewhere.


Yes. Very real. You actually believe PvE in Naxx makes you good, when I’d wager you haven’t stepped into arenas, let alone hit 1200 :joy:

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50% is not enough it should be atleast 100%

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You don’t need a guild parse run to parse well.

There will be an AV weekend over the Christmas break. 50% with 20% from heirlooms. Gonna be like 250k an av run or more.

go play retail, this is classic, shouldn’t be any exp buff period other than 25% with looms.

I lvled 1-80 on an alt on october, took me a week, game is already fast you just refuse to play it. why even engage in a mmo.

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Joyous Journeys will encourage a ton of players to level alts with the LFG tool and zones very active like it was previously with JJ.

And yet, here we are, with pro-RDFers crying excessively in this thread.

It’s like they are more interested in having their anti-social tool instead of having a lot of realm mates to do dungeons with during this event.

It’s pretty sad.


That remains to be seen, hopefully, of course, but we’ll see.

Whats sad is you’re just as obsessed with talking about RDF as the RDFers youre referencing.


You make it sound so simple, there actually has to be people playing lower levels in order to do that.
You seem to simply be talking about a perfect world, that doesn’t exist.

Can we be friends? Will you come level with me?


This is a nice holiday gift from blizzard. Now we just need Faction Changes available in the shop, The return of RDF ( What people are not saying is that its nice to do get the bonus exp when leveling with the completion of a dungeon + the bag with a random BoP blue to assist with gearing while leveling ) And bump the exp earned when being carried in low instances by a max level. I understand it was changed to combat the spamming of boost selling but I enjoy running my low level friends and guildies through low level instances free of charge to help them out as well as teach new players. These were things that were all included in retail progression wotlk and I just would like them back.

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