WoW Classic Testing Access as of May 22

Well you are…can you even handle criticism?

Grow up. You sound like a spoiled brat that has always gotten his way.

And Puntintgnomes, what is legitimate about crying because you believe you’re entitled to a beta simply because you have a Vanilla account? Nothing about that is legitimate. That’s a childish reaction to a company that’s fully within it’s rights to invite whom it wishes to the beta.

You have to have an active subscription to beta test, but I don’t sub because I don’t like the current state of the game. You’re trying to bring back old players that don’t play anymore or play on private servers but only people who sub can test. Makes sense if you don’t think about it.


ME: been playing sense BC, own every expac. Have years of money invested into the game and there company not just wow. Pokimane: a league streamer


be a streamer

Having an active sub is also a load of bullcrap because Summit1g just got into beta now and even said on stream “I don’t pay for a subscription for this game”. Bunch of money grabbing blizzard employees trying to bait us into paying $15 for a .00001% chance to get into beta.

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As a streamer with morals, it saddens me to know how disgustingly true this is.

Can you point to the Blue post that someone said it is a requirement for beta testers to have a current sub?
I dont have a sub to BfA, but I am a long time account holder. I was in the closed beta for the original game. Because I dont pay for a sub does that make my input any less valuable than it did 15-16 years ago when I also Beta tested without paying for a sub?

I am not a streamer, but I am in the closed Beta.
Stop being negative and full of jealously. The game isn’t going anywhere.

This is 1000% incorrect. I do not have an active sub and I am a beta tester.

“To fill our pool of beta and stress test participants, we’ll be choosing dedicated players who meet select criteria from both the WoW Classic beta opt-in and the standard Warcraft beta opt-in. Participants will also need to have an active subscription or active game time on their Account.”

No game is ever bug free when it is released.
Like, ever.
There are some games that have been around for DECADES (Dota 2, LoL) that still have bugs.
There was a pro game last league season (or this one?) that was called early because of a game breaking bug. So, if you wish for a bug free game, it will never exist.

Whelp. They lied.
I don’t have an active sub and I got invited.

Wow, there is so much to unpack here.
First, let’s break down some things. I have never streamed on twitch, I have played WoW before, I lack any kind of male anatomy and with the anatomy, I do have, I certainly wouldn’t bounce it around for an audience and I have been invited to test the Beta.
I am not following who Blizz is and isn’t inviting to test the game, your post is just…wow dude. Like, there is such a thing as envy then there is the next level called hateful jealous speech.
I am so very sorry that you feel that you’re entitled to a beta test a game. No one is. At all. Even me. I beta tested the FIRST version of the game and if I didnt get into this one, I would have been okay.
I didn’t get into the OW Beta into late, and I was okay with that. You want to know why? Because I knew the game was going to come out eventually and I would buy it and play it.
Does it suck if some streamers aren’t submitting active bug reports? Yes. However, even the data that they are generating client side will still help things. You can bet that all of the streamers have WAY better computers than I do. So, Blizz will check internal numbers for a variety of things across all levels of computers.
If it bothers you SOOOOO much that someone else got into the Beta and you didn’t, just don’t watch them. End of story.

that’s actually impossible, as the authentication for beta/ptr/classic is all dependent upon having an active account. i would check your account management page and/or your credit card statements my friend

I have! And I do not have an active sub, my friend.
Thanks for looking out for me, my guy.
But again, I play in the Beta. I currently have a lvl 21 warrior who is working on her professions.
No, having an active account isn’t a requirement for getting into the Beta. I’m proof of that.

Customer Support has no knowledge of the selection process.

"Participants will also need to have an active subscription or active game time on their Battle. net Account.”

one of these is in effect, otherwise you’re lucky and blizz is giving you free gametime. if you have time, i would try logging into the live server and see what happens.

Listen, I appreciate you looking out for me. But. I. Do. Not. Have. An. Active. Sub.
And no, I do not have free game time.
However, I do have a free Beta test invite.

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Did you have an active subscription when you were invited? Your first post on the forum is a thread you made asking if you also need to have purchased BfA. The implication I get from that is that you resubbed, but wanted to know if you also had to buy the latest expansion.

I believe you as I don’t see a reason why you’d lie about it, I just wouldn’t go around telling people that because you are supposed to have an active sub to be able to authenticate to their servers