WoW Classic Testing Access as of May 22

How can we keep calm when you guys give POKIMANE beta access. She has 0 idea what she is doing in WoW and never has played. You guys are just a money grabbing company only helping streamers and not your real PLAYERS!


I’m kind of happy to not be in the beta.

The stress test was fun and good to help, but betas always feel a bit hollow to me because I know I won’t be keeping the character.

Account history has nothing to do with it seeing as Pokimane just learned to play classic WoW yesterday and she just made it.

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Enhance your calm John Spartan!

After playing Blizzard games for as long as I can remember , opting in, and never being selected for any beta testing, is there anything i can to to make my account more eligable for testing in the future?

PTR testing, find bugs and report them.

And you’re one of thousands. Why do you deserve more? Because you’re pitching a childish temper tantrum over it?

Just deal with it. August isn’t eons away. Yes, it may suck, but this is your first post. You’ve paid a lot, but you have zero investment in the current Classic community. Call me anything you want, but Blizzard has stated their intentions and they’ve done beta opt-ins for a while now. You just deal with the RNG you get. And I am not in beta either. Yes, I have stress test access, but that equated to login and creation screens for the entire test which was how it should have been for many of us as it was a stress test.

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I was happy to do the stress test unlike others. (not saying you)
I logged in and got dc’d then held at character creation. Then dc’d rinse and repeat for over 2 hours when the stress test went live. But i wanted to do my part in helping with the login process so i kept trying. It was not fun. It was frustrating. But all of that should culminate into the game being better at launch for it.

Im with you. I wish i was in the closed beta. But they owe me nothing. I would love to stream the game for others to see. (but i am not a streamer per say) So i did not get in. However that being said I completely understand the logic behind getting streamers in which others feel slighted because of it.

Cant wait to see you all In august! We will all be in soon enough!

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My only request is short beta access in say the week or so prior to launch to setup addons. Sounds petty, but we all have our UI setups we like. Some are lucky to love the default UI.

Im not throwing a tantrum or feel deserving. I just asked how I can get my account more eligible for beta testing. Chill bro.

That person was not saying you… If you look on the top right of the message it shows you who they were responding to.

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It was another character. I just asked a question and this guy comes out with a paragragh about how I threw a temper tantrum, etc.

Oh my bad. I completely missed that. Thats my fault.
(I know admitting when your wrong is scarce in these times)

Yeah that was harsh. Based on what you said.

It is a legitimate question. I think you just have extremely bad luck. haha

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I was hoping that they would allow the player base to set up their UI on August 13th, when character and name creation takes place. It would not make sense to allow players to set up UI to have it wiped.

                        Dear Blizzard, I would be ecstatic if you could give my account WoW Classic beta access.  I recently had the pleasure of being in your first and most recent stress test, and I had so much fun that I enjoyed my time playing the game almost the most out of the nine years that I have played retail. It had only taken me one of the twelve hours that I played to get to level five, yet I played continuously for the next eleven hours. In this stress test I had helped test the servers, I had also helped by reporting the multiple bugs that I had found, all the while having a great time. I believe that I can be a great asset to you in your journey to test the integrity in your great adventure of WoW Vanilla, and I believe that it could be a great asset to me for passing the time, day by day. It's much appreciated to the person that reads this, and I hope that it hit the funny bone just a tad. And I would like to say thank you to the amazing company Blizzard for giving me the pleasure of playing and streaming the stress test that I had the opportunity to play these previous few days.         

                                                                                                                                                                        With the best of intentions - Oldycow

Pretending age of the account matters when there are clips of people who don’t even know how to use hearthstone.


It does matter lol. They said in their blue message that it did even XD

Unless you’ve never played WoW before, have a twitch account, big kahunas, then bounce them around on twitch and bend over in various revealing positions- just enough to grasp an audience of thirsty teenagers and desperate middle aged men, so much so Blizzard decides you’re good optics and invites you to cluelessly not test the game.

Actually, infact, even if you’re a paedophile that abandons his only son, talks about how CP can be “ethical” and regularly go on stream to boast about wanting to kill or harm people who disagree with your political agenda you’ll get in. No questions asked! Basically what I’m saying is you have largely have to be a streamer with no moral agency to be invited to the beta, or one of the few plebs tricked in to resubbing to boost Blizzards (Activisions) metrics, so Bobby and the suits can buy their 35th manor.


some of these streamers don’t even know how to report a bug!! some cant even be bothered!!! its mainly the viewers shouting at the streamer to submit bugs… IM just praying that this game is BUG FREE when its due to be released :confused:


Pays to look whom I was replying to in my message. Try chilling yourself.