WoW Classic Testing Access as of May 22

Yea my client is “broken” as well. I had closed beta and it is not showing any more!!

Can you please give it back?

Mischievous laugh: …Hope to trick them with that one…**


Honestly, if you didn’t get Betta access just don’t help Blizzard with their stress test and such things

Not worth having a 10gb game stored in your hard drive if you can’t play it

Ya guys, they ran out of streamers to provide beta to and don’t care about the players who’ve had an account active for a decade or longer. Not that they plan on fixing anything anyway prior to release, it’ll just go out a huge uncompleted mess like BFA did.


Wait so dont help them make the game ready for launch?
Will you complain about the login and server issues if everyone does not participate in a stress test?

Haha these forums man. SMH


I won’t even play classic but, I’m just really offended that I did not get Beta access to just leave the game installed and never play it, so I’m just ranting at Blizzard in the wow forums. Not a product that I asked for, but not giving me access pisses me off man!.

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Forgive me if I dont follow.

  1. To have the game (classic) installed. It was only like 4 gb If i remember correctly.
  2. If you are talking about retail. Yet you dont want classic. I do not understand the complaint.

I guess I just dont follow that thought process.
Hey maybe you give it a try when it launches and you will get the itch like everyone else.

Good luck on getting into it because you do but do not want it.


I had my stress test invite removed to clean up my account because I had so many ptr accounts on my main xD hopefully someone will be lucky to get into the beta :slight_smile:

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Level 55 Tauren that played since Vanilla, isn’t that a Nixxiom meme or something like that?, good luck on getting your beta access fella, but now I release that I’m better off without it

I went back in time to get my old self to come back to the future to get a invite to the beta.

I wonder what all of the things they check to give out keys are. As far as age goes I’ve played on and off since vanilla and even have my main character still around. In honor of Classic being released I’m using it as my icon and repping the Scarlet Crusade tabard. Hope to get a key soon Blizzard please have mercy on my soul.

GUZU on twitch stream said that its sad that blizz just gave out classic beta invites To streamers only !! ive been playing from 2004 and I got no invite!.
I just hope and pray when this classic comes out we are not going to be disappointed after they let these streamers mess up with not reporting bugs in the game and just streaming to make there money and blizz for promoting the game via streamers… GUZU also stated that the next beta invites would only be to streams friends and family!.. blizz should of invited anyone who used to play classic and get there input on this…

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I think it would be interesting for a new wave of invites to be sent out and see how a new population of low lvlers interact with a pretty solid population of 30s. See how bad low lvl ganking would be in a now “live” vanilla server

I got confirmation of this as well. I was on the phone with support they said they went and got streamers access to the beta so they can show everyone the game. She said it is for the advertisement. The rep name is Alxemies.

this makes me soooo sad that blizz would pick streamers for testing classic… most of them wasn’t even playing in 2004! :frowning: I just hope the game don’t suck when it comes out…

What is a GUZA?

You are right though. The few streamers that I saw were not interested in testing for bugs, just viewer numbers. Real testing is boring for viewers. So it really doesn’t make sense for streamers to test while streaming.

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I checked my account history. It no longer records back to 2006 when I was first invited by a friend to play for 10 days free or something. Instead it only goes back to 2010.

Is that normal or are a lot of people excluded from beta because of this history wipe?

I subbed again for a chance at it… after reading the blue post saying beta is pretty much full I guess I will be hitting the “unsub” button again for the next couple of months.

I’m confused why the streamers got invites when they were openly playing on pirate software…? Seems to be a bit counterintuitive, do the wrong thing = be rewarded.

See you at launch I guess. At least there will finally be a game worth playing at the end of all this.

Only issue I will have moving forward is my subscription for classic will still be used for the development of that trash retail version of the game instead of maybe TBC and wrath classic (stand alone server) development.

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From what it seems the servers population in the closed beta is very small. From the outside looking in I think the invites go like this 1st - Streamers & influencers EX: IGN staff( easy advertising) , 2nd Friends / Family of streamers or Blizzard employees(“Hey can you let such and such in?”). 3rd A small amount of random accounts possibly of longer subscription length. Hell I’d love to get in as much as anyone else, this Toon is from classic. I even have Drakefire amulet & the old Knight-Champion title but reality of it is very unlikely. This all sort of just feels dirty to see early access-privilege streamed ad nauseam for the next two months before launch with what my guess will be a level lift all the way to 60 for these very lucky individuals.

so the beta should be for wow player no for any streamer that never play but just because they are famous you guys give them access that suck for people that have been paying you for year, classic dont need publicity …