WoW Classic Testing Access as of May 22

I bought every expansion lmfao, let me guess, you troll on forums

Yeah, I agree with you, Wolfie. And I’m a streamer, too. Not a big one, yet, but still am one.


Alienation seems to be higher now that many people didn’t have access through the present issues and because of less beta invites.

People have been saying that y’all need more testers ever since day one, practically. It doesn’t really appear that you guys have a good amount, but I guess we can’t see the numbers… so whatever.

Oh, and, uh… day 3 of complaining that I didn’t even get invited to the stress test. I’d unsub, but my beta chances… :upside_down_face:


a variety of factors such as the age of the account.

If this was true you would think players with an account date of 11-23-04 might have a priority over others that weren’t even in Vanilla. So far myself and a few others I work with are still sitting on the sidelines while you let the streamers do this PR stint for you.

As great as it is having Classic back…it seems this is more of a stunt by Blizzard to try to recruit yet another audience back into the game other than the players that started in this era. Sure, you will get some of them back, myself included…but it seems more of a push to get new players to Warcraft to sub to play a version of the game that isn’t as bloated with all that QOL crap Retail has and then hopefully push them into Retail and get them buying expansions and so on.

So yeah, I don’t hold much into your statement as of right now as all I see streamers doing PR for Blizzard and nobody really testing. Especially when there is an addon to REMOVE THE BUG REPORT feature from this beta.


I am always willing to help in whatever capacity that I can. I offer feedback and constructive criticism when necessary. I want the game to be in the best possible shape as well when Blizzard launches the game in August. I to hope the data they received goes in no small measure to that end.

What I find appalling and frankly disgusting about many of these post in this thread are the people that feel cheated and have some level of entitlement about them for playing this game from its very inception. At best, at this stage of the game, makes many of these people who are negatively commenting at the very least an adult of at mid to late 20’s all the way up to seniors citizens posting about what they did not get or what they felt they were entitled to receive.

What is worse is many of these people also complain and whine about people in the current game not wanting to work for something within the game. When in fact they are literally complaining not about someone else, but themselves. Many of these negative comments from people need to put themselves not only in check, but look in the mirror at their own shortcomings.

Am I disappointed that I did not actually get to login and create and level a character to whatever level, no, no I am not. I am sure, Blizzard was not only testing the people who could get in to do all those things, but also testing the loads on the people who could not get past the login or realm listing screen. Stress testing requires testing at every level of the test. Not just whether a person can get into the game and actually play the game. Now should Blizzard been more clear in their approach to tell people the various things they would be testing, maybe! Though Blizzard is not entitled to release such information more so for security reasons.

Maybe if I get to take part in the rest of the test I will actually be one of those that gets in to the game to test various aspects of the game out. Then again, I might only get as far as I did yesterday and that would be fine as well.

This beta, not the actual game and many things are going to need to be tested. I am sure this undertaking on Blizzard’s part was no small task. I can imagine the level of code they literally had to sift through to fine every single possible element of a game that has been overwritten many times over from the point in the game they are choosing to release.

All these adults need to get over themselves, because they are literally embarrassing themselves on a public forum by acting no better than a small child that had their lollipop taken away from them.


Did anyone who had Customer Service delete their PTR account(s) get flagged after the stress test started? I have yet to be re-flagged and the client is still not showing up on my launcher. Just curious.

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^^ This All Day

Same I had CS Remove both and still have not got re-flagged yet. (From what I can tell I have not been flagged on my end at least, nothing in the launcher)


It’s a bummer too and kind of frustrating that we did not get any clarification as to why it has not been fixed for us. Oh well maybe next time.

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Amazing how so many streamers got beta invites, but i mean age of the account was clearly a factor for those people…


It was and it is. Esfand showed his account transaction history and that account was created during vanilla.

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I, like many others, just got the Beta stress test. My opinion is only letting us play to level 5 is a joke, there’s no way to really test anything. It’s not worth the headache of all that competition, maybe if we were able to level to 30 like the reg. Beta, maybe, but level 5! That’s not even a funny joke.

I really don’t understand the purpose of the Classic Beta stress tests, haven’t you guys done enough server stress tests? Your experience should be able to tell you how the game is going to react to player overload.

It’s a server stress test, not a closed beta.

And although they gather experience with every xpac launch, you need to consider that when a expansion launches, you don’t have every single player creating a new character that will be thrown into the same exact point in the world at the same time.

Does vanilla launch counts?. Maybe, vanilla didn’t had millions of players trying to log in at the same time.

ok, looking at it that way–yeah that makes sense. But level 5, really!!! i know, stress test-not closed Beta.

Got in last night after several hours of stress testing the login process/character creation. Nothing says fun like being plopped down into the starting area ( orc/troll area for me) along with 100s of others. I will say, that barring the fact that trying to find a boar to kill was hilarious, the game ran super smoothly and was fun to play. I didn’t even bother to level to 5. Just quested a bit, tried to run to ORG (it was there and not there) then killed my toon fighting a level 9 boar. For those whining about only being given this small taste of the beta, cheer up. August is right around the corner. You will be able to play Vanilla in all it’s unrefined glory soon enough…


It’s a bummer that they only let us play till level 5, but either they wanted people to stay inside the same zone or to create massive runs like what we saw in some streams.

i didn’t even get to create a character until 12:30 am Est-that’s 3 and 1/2 hours after stress test. Didn’t get into the actual game until today. It did bring back some good memories though. However, some of the mobs were actually aggoable back in the original, plus they had quest tracker in the Beta, we didn’t get that until Wrath. I know those are little things, but really Alt-tab and Thottbot for the win!!! lol How many ppl are going to scream about that statement? lol

so does this mean I’m only lucky enough to get a 2 day stress test invite witch I was not even able to take part it, I had to watch streamers play and watch GM’s summon bosses into the world been subbed since 08 guess that’s not good enough for testing, there are people that have not playing in years that have been invited, I know ill not get in but ill be logging into the stress test server everyday to see anyways wanted to do some streaming of the game

Is anyone getting access now for the one that had two PTR Services, because I had that problem and now have access.