WoW Classic Stress Test – June 19-21

This stress test will be accessible to anyone with an active World of Warcraft game account in the Americas & Oceania region-

Im in Europe with active sub, im in :smiley:

no download yet

hope the EU server will be better quality than the NA, if not, well it will be a true classic experience :laughing:

Yes 48 hours

no drop down for download … currently dont have retail installed was part of earlier stress tests had drop down … subbed

It’s currently 12:47pm PT. In Blizzard terms, “Late” is at earliest 4pm. Give it at least 10 hours before worrying.


EU sucks. Sorry kiddo.

I resubbed just for this 2 day test xD anyone have the client available in their launcher yet?

It’s only 2:10pm here.

Just resubscried, i think a minute or 2 late … when i clicked on strerss test beta … it say: “You can’t play Classic yet”

So i went manually launching the launcher and it say “No realm currently available”

Considering the Blue posted a time of 5:00PM Toronto(which is EST) i wonder if there was an error to the time he/she mentioned or it’s just me

The client is becoming available later today for people who haven’t already installed it. The servers will be available tomorrow at 2PM PT.

OH FOR PETE SAKE, i thoguht it was today… oh well

Client is up for download. relaunch!

The cool thing about the [date] field is that it changes from “Wednesday” on Monday, to “Tomorrow” on Tuesday.

oh that is such BS… eugh i should’ve read more carefully then

Restart your launchers now, take the update, then select WoW Classic and install.

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Its downloadable now, once you restart the launcher and take the launcher update.

Is the button for PLAY being greyed out in relation to being unsubbed, or the realms being unavailable?

That’s the old client for Beta. You need to restart your launcher.

I already have restarted it. It’s remaining grey.