WoW Classic Stress Test – June 19-21

Looks like new realms all around, so I imagine new characters. Besides, I’m pretty sure the Initial Stress test characters were lost to the void when they reset that server for AV weekend in the closed beta, they’re gone, and they’re not coming back.

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Well, my PTR account is lost in the void. I have had it removed by a CM, and after it has been removed, I could still log-in to it from the launcher, until I restarted the launcher. That means, the account actually still exists, just has been detached from

Just wondering how much garbage like this is on Blizzard servers

Thank you for update! :slight_smile:

Yay! Ill get to see it in its old, vast glory <3

When will the download be available and how do I select it from the launcher? Is it just the PTR, or what?

Sweet! We will find out if layering and sharding work well! And also where the bottle necks for leveling are at!

Question Will there be multiple servers available? or are we just testing everything on one server?

How do you download Classic if its not listed in the Launcher drop down window? I’m US and have had an active sub for about 3 months now.

It should appear on your Region/Account selection and be in underdevelopment section.
Hope this Helps!

So, is it just PTR: World of Warcraft? That is all I see under the “in development” section.

You may need to reload the Launcher or wait till later for update to come into effect.
The Blue Post said you will

May need to wait longer.

Look up a few posts until you see green text. Data Miners are seeing evidence this will be done much like the Classic Demo was, it is on the normal realm list(just masked from the normal client), latest update I saw had identified 21 realms on the list for Classic.

That was my second guess. Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it!

Not at all. As I said before Its not listed in the drop down box.

Blue post said Late Tomorrow, June 18.

We’ve got confirmation that the next stress test will include the EU so thank you Blizzard x

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He’s attempting to claim that one completely unrelated thing backs up his unsubstantiated claims of another completely unrelated thing.

I think the same logic discussed applies. People who’ve logged in already have an easier time to log in again. In #1 Beta people had it easy. In #2 we all had it easy. In this one, likely the stress test participants will have it far easier than those who are new to it.

EDIT: Given that the servers will be running on the US live side, all bets are off as to whether the server variables have to be downloaded again.

My bet is its the old issue of server variables downloads being bottle-necked.

You’re getting your Oceanic servers, but the point is to make everyone log in to one server.

They don’t really need to test Oceanic as its part of the North American region. Europe is a separate region. China is also a separate region but I haven’t heard anything about a test for them, or Korea, or Taiwan. But they’re likely getting servers.

The Marlamin tweet seems to agree with you.

Because Blizzard is in Irvine, California.

It’s notable that this June 19 stress test is a test of launch conditions for one entire region’s hardware. To make this test as helpful as possible we need to focus on only including the people of that region. This single region test allows us to better focus on any existing problems that need to be resolved and is an important pre-requisite to complete before multi-region testing.

Entire Region’s hardware pretty much confirms it.

Will you be taking down the regular beta realms during this stress test or are they going to stay up?

So is the download available yet? I was one of the people from the first stress test and had uninstalled it when it was available to do so. Now I do not have the Stress test Classic option to pick to install it again.

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just like my love for Warcraft, but hope Classic will get a strong hold

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