WoW Classic Stress Test – June 19-21

That’s how I read it. I believe one of the blue sticky posts had more information about it.

Found the article:
If you’re eager to claim your character name in WoW Classic, take note: we’ll be opening character creation on Tuesday, August 13.** Players with an active subscription or game time on their account will be able to create up to three characters per World of Warcraft account. We’ll have more information on realm names closer to launch, but rest assured—you’ll have plenty of time to figure out your plans for realm domination!

That guy is lvl 21 - that isn’t a starter account.

And tbh I wish they would stop letting starter accounts post on this forum too, it was worst than lvl 1s.

They are probably over here making starter accounts to complain instead of reading their own forum so they miss explanations.

If you do this stress test, your character will probably still be available for next stress test but they won’t carry over to live.

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Um, this account was originally created as a starter account to be able to give beta feedback on a previous release. Often this is the ONLY way EU customers can give feedback because a lot of times we don’t have a beta forum.
You think we should have to pay extra only to be able to give feedback to any alpha/beta we are invited to?

There was no real announcement, I only found it by chance as a reply to another post.

They can restrict access to beta section if it is needed for you to post there but I do find it odd you wouldn’t have your own beta forum. In any case, you aren’t a starter account now.

You have a beta section for classic.

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No I’m not, but I was forced to create this account to be able to post feedback then, not that they took note of anything I posted about the alpha issues I was having which went unheeded as other with the exact same issue got help in a blue thread created specifically for the purpose. They were US customers, I was not. I know cause they got their access from PAX.
You’d be surprised how often this happens, in fact it happens EVERY time. Like I said elsewhere, not all the EU anger is unjustified.

Yes we have one now, but did not for the longest time, and it’s the same with every alpha/beta. They claim they want our feedback, but give us nowhere to post it, sure we can make an account here with a few tricks, but only other users will tell you that, not Blizzard themselves.
After a few years on dead forums they notices that people had noticed and hired some people they called “Forum Engagement”, that sounds a lot like an internal title meaning they wanted to create the appearance of a presence, but cba to change it.

People just don’t know pepehands

lol, of course they ‘claim’ they want your feedback. They claim they want our feedback too. However, when people’s feedback involves making 25% of the posts in one thread to spam complain, I am pretty sure they don’t.

I thought the stress test server was separate from the beta server

Ofc there are quite a bit of pointless complaining going around, I’m just trying to make you understand that not all complaints come out of thin air. I still enjoy Blizzard games, and I will be playing come August. I’m also not mad about not having beta access or Blizzard only using US accounts to test US servers. I’m just trying to put things into perspective.
If you were continually being snubbed you’d start complaining too, maybe even at things there were no real reason to complain about.
Though I guess as long as it costs more to fix something than you will gain by fixing it nothing will be done.

@Solohan - They are.

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Does anyone see the client download yet? i dont.

any chance this can turn into a permanent beta key the way i hear it there aren’t enough testers to do anything anyways and i’m really bored with retail

they said late Tuesday so probably tonight sometime

you can thank Activision for that

Yeah, they have indeed changed the company policies a lot. But I’m still here, so it’s not all bad. :slight_smile:

Now would be the perfect time to send out a second wave of Beta invites, Streamers are even agreeing

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ahhhh, ok thank you

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No its not. This isn’t a “free trial run of the game” for funsies, this is the game developers doing specific tests on their infrastructure. They’re not obligated to include every region to make you feel better.


Why we always got these complainers that feel the need to fart on everybody’s Rainbow?

Stress Test isn’t really fun, its work. You get dc’d constantly - you have way too many people trying to do the same quests, yer itchy cause you skipped a shower to play…its a problem.