WoW Classic Stress Test – June 19-21

Hey this is really cool! Thanks Blizzard.

I think it was more the people who were just stress testers who had the hardest time getting in. But the 2nd one was better than the 1st one for a lot of the stress tester people so hopefully this one will be more like #2. Hard to tell since there will be tons more people able to log in.

They took the closed beta servers offline the last 2 stress tests so they’ll probably do the same thing with this one. But you never know :slight_smile:

Again, you continue to whine because your time zone doesn’t equate to the working hours of a California based company.

As you stated [quote=“Erebos-feathermoon, post:208, topic:200695”]
Not that we’re even invited x-D.

so, the point is moot.


Really looking forward to this - thanks!

I may have responded, but you must admit I said nothing!

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It does though. Don’t American’s work 8am-12pm noon? That would equate to 4pm-8pm BST. What, devs don’t work mornings now? I think you’ll find a lot of American based employees probably do work those hours and that it’s you with the moot point. There are times that are convenient to both time zones.

48 hours? That’s fantastic. In fact, these stress tests are the perfect little taste to quench my thirst and to help ensure I don’t burn myself out before release if I was actually invited to beta. In fact, I’m kind of glad I didn’t get into beta just for that reason.


Well, my theory then, and it remains valid now, is that the issue revolved around NEW accounts logging into a realm(cluster) for the first time. The Closed Beta Testers(“Streamers”) already existed on the realm cluster. So they were able to skip some steps which the Stress Testers had to go through the first time they tried to log in, because the Closed Beta players had already done that in Closed Beta.

It looks like they’ve wiped the original Stress Test Server. It has been renamed(and that it now has a name points to things IMO), and while I expect it will be wiped again(level 58’s are a no-go), I doubt they’re going to restore the original stress test toons.

But depending on how those characters were wiped, it may be somewhat moot. Because IIRC, level 10 is where characters no longer truly get deleted. So unless they purged the characters rather then simply flagging them as being deleted. The Stress Test and Closed Beta players may have an easier time getting in. (Closed beta has an advantage either way, because their closed beta toons still exist on the PvP and/or PvE realms)


What about the fact that they’ve raised the level cap though? Why would they erase your progress and add 5 levels to the cap? Will people realistically level back to 10 and then up to 15 to test Deadmines or whatever, in the allotted time? Surely they must be letting you start from 10 so that you actually have some time to test the 10-15 stuff out, why else specifically mention 15 and Deadmines etc? I know obviously some people will be off work, but will many people really have the time to level from level 1 again in the 48 hour window, factoring in sleep and any work etc?

Level 1 to 15 can be done over two nights of play time. The Stress test runs for 48 hours.

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Factoring in work and sleep that doesn’t leave a lot of actual testing time. They must surely want people to test out instanced dungeons otherwise why mention them and specifically Deadmines? It seems counter productive to say ‘ok the level cap is increased to 15 and you can now try Deadmines’ but to them demote you back to level 1 so that you have to test the same 1-10 stuff that’s already been tested twice.

I see your problem. You’re using logic where none exists. Shame on you.

There are a lot of young players out there interested in Classic WoW, they’re not under the same restrictions.

And while the “focus period” for the test is the first 3 hours, they’re wanting other data too, and giving people incentive to stay awhile and play around is a good way to do that.

With all of NA eligible to play, they only need some of them to do that to get some metrics, not all of them.

And not starting everyone back at level 1 is going to cause complaints from a lot of those players.

Of course, but are people likely to be excited about the prospect of doing 1-10 again just to then do 10-15 and access Deadmines in what limited time they have left? As I said, doesn’t it seem counter productive to increase the cap, open up Deadmines, hint that they want Deadmines and instanced dungeons to be tested, but to then reset you back to level 1? I mean I guess they could extend the test, they did the last one.

They don’t need deadmines tested, it’s probably one of the most tested dungeons in the closed Beta. People are still running it in the closed beta.

It’s there as an inducement for people to try it at a more challenging level (level 15), and gather further metrics regarding player interest in Classic.

They might also throw some other unannounced(or soon to be announced) rewards to those who do the 1 to 15 grind on the stress test. There is precedent for them doing such things in the past.

That would be nice.

Sad… but it’s what I did. I cannot wait for some vanilla action, been missing it for many, many years!!

Reaching incredible new levels of reaching…

And now I see this guy is still looking for tiny things to complain about, while at the same time completely missing the point of a stress test.

It’s sort of amazing.


Best you can do is quote something hours out of date and like 20 posts prior to my latest and after being proven correct on two major issues I raised.

Well done. THAT’S amazing.

For someone who spends so much time complaining about NA bias and time zones, I’d think you’d understand that some people are just catching up with these forums over morning coffee.

Also, as far as I have seen, not one of your concerns (lol) have been shown to be valid at all. But hey, have fun, you must be getting something out of this hours long rant fest.

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