WoW Classic Stress Test – June 19-21

you’re probably being flagged for trolling. You constantly make these blanket posts about your subjective opinion. You then claim it’s objective. People discredit your claim that it’s objective, then you find one small thing to flood a thread with to claim a victory.

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Please click the link and check the thread. There’s nothing subjective about it, the first blue post confirms what I’ve said all night. OC realms were added to US timezones because they are incorporated into US accounts and to make grouping easier for OC players. There’s 23 pages of evidence for you in that link if you bother to click it. My original point is, on this topic, that the EU needs it’s own stress tests and it’s own servers and I’d personally not like to be on a US mega server 8 hours head of the game time for the same reason’s people were complaining about in that thread ^^. When someone proves something with actual evidence - including blue and MVP posts, it becomes factual, not subjective, not an opinion. What I’ve done is the definition of objective.

They need to test dynamic realm population controls, that hasn’t been done yet.

i also think the prior stress test gave them a pretty good idea of what the limits are for “a single unit of hardware” already. But speculation is largely pointless, they’re going to do whatever they’re going to do, we’ll know more come Wednesday.

I love these cheap ways Blizzard is trying to boost its monthly subscriber count. I subbed once to throw my hat in the race to get a beta key. I’m not going to resub 30 days to play 3 days of a game.

Really disgusting tactics. It’s sad to see how far Blizzard has fallen. The stress test comes at a time basically a month since I resubbed. How interesting.


I bit…$15 is nothing for a grown adult.

Grown adult here. I’d rather buy 3 additional Starbucks coffees than play a game I played religiously 15 years ago for 3 days.

I would love to get home from work at 2 to help max out the servers. I’ll be lucky if I’m home by five. That’s probably early for most west coasters.

Not a complaint. Just saying, you’re not going to get max participation that early.

Grown adult here. I learnt how to make choices without complaining years ago. :wink:


I mean if they truly wanted “max participation” they wouldn’t have a stress test behind a 15$/month gate.

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Well, we’re all very proud of you. I’m glad that you don’t voice your opinion when you disagree with something. Very brave. Incredible bravery!

okay, I guess?

Actually you might have missed the demographics of the NA region by a bit. The vast majority of players are in EDT with another chunk in CDT. The three hours starts when EDT knocks off work.

Given that the release for the launch is about the same time of day, they’re actually pretty spot on for testing the result of the launch.


OK I am signed up. How many characters can we (try to) make?

10 (being the server limit). But none until Wednesday.

Holy crap, that was funny! Thanks for a break from Erebos!

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Cool thanks. I have been playing since the beginning and would love a beta inv pls ty.

I’m still trying to figure out why any of this matters.

You’ve gone pretty far from your original “Blizzard sucks because they’re not doing an EU stress test”.

It’s 2:40am so forgive me if I’m not entertaining you for much longer, he can of course take my spot.

You don’t need to worry about it, I was proved right by a thread found on the old forums, that’s all that matters and is the short version :). 2-0 to me.

I was going to respond, but realized I have nothing to say. So …

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Are you drunk, you DID respond :-P.