WoW Classic Stress Test 1

Glad some got in :slight_smile: its just when is saw that stupid post literally explaining things that are intended really made me go wtf saw some. But really should have got more classic players over BFA players for them to have to make a post explaining that makes me worry about the bug reports and the sample size.

I am really excited for august

It REALLY FUNNY how Streamers and Wowhead staff got a SMOOTH entry(a.k.a. priviledge) to the server stress test when the rest of the public get a lot of DC stuck at realm window…

And them being on the server(me watchign them for 20+ minutes) WHEN THE SERVER SHOW OFFLINE for me (i doubt they had delays)

This is really stink to the max…


determination yall still got 13 minutes

I have tried to get into the Stress test since it began, almost 2 hours ago, and have never been able to log in. I get as far as the server “list” (one server) …sometimes…but then I am dc’ed. Then the server was grayed out, and now it tells me no server is available. This is the first time I’ve ever received an invite, and what a disappointment it has been.

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We were asked to give input on what we observed etc., however I can’t do that from in-game (since I cannot get into the game…) so, hopefully my input will be viewed here.

My experience:

  • I am able to get into a queue on average under 100 users are in the queue
  • When I get through the queue to the Realm Menu, it says the Classic Test Server is Offline.
  • I repeat over and over again in a state of panic while checking this thread hoping something will change.
  • Now I get a new message that says there are no servers available
  • I am spiraling into a deep depression
  • blizz no longer cares
  • they used to call me on my cell phone…

hugs to a cutie :smile:

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I’m so upset. I never even got on. Been there before it even went online. Either was disconnected or server locked.

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Good point.

Any feedback here? Are there any people who didn’t have actual Beta access, only stress test invite, that were able to log in and play?

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Yes, because “Stress Test” specified which servers…oh wait! You assumed which servers were being tested.

That, is the problem. Login SERVER. Temporary Game SERVER. Beta SERVER.

But hey - you know all dude. Hats off to you. Next time though, keep in mind that in Beta, you should be surprised if things work - not surprised if things don’t work.

Simply not true, substantiated or realistic. There are plenty of day 1 starter zone results over the last 15 years. It’s literally testing the most recent queue process, realm selection process, latest server racks, how much the processors can handle of this newly developed classic code. They don’t need the brunt of testers going through levels 1-5, they need relatively few testers completing this. What they do need is login servers hammered, creation hammered, every step before playing and as much data as possible to offer the best possible release day three months from now.

Don’t contribute this goofy hatefulness because you don’t like the reality of the situation. You need to face the fact you were wrong from conception and probably shouldn’t spew the thoughts in your head as if they were fact while trying to belittle someone else. Chill out.


no beta im a lowly loggin tester


Aww, thanks!

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Latest: “No realms are currently available.” (WOW51900309)


Streamers conveniently had no issues getting in so you should be getting feedback from them Blizzard. Us lessers couldn’t get beyond the login screen and queues.

Well I moved my schedule around. No PTO taken.

No realms are currently available.



Are you insane? Blizzard said themselves what this stress test is for…and they described in an interview how such stress test would work and what’s the point of it.

On top of that, stress tests for past expansions did indeed involve having loads of players in one place. that’s the idea of a stress test.


Dont bother, stress test isnt even working for me

oh no, never ever do that for a blizzard test or launch. consider it a lesson learned.

Not upset that I didnt get to play anything other than the login game. But I just hope that we showed them that they are not prepared for classic wow. They do not realize that Classic WoW will have more subs playing retail very quickly. Go from you think you do , but you dont. To oh crap we goofed up.