WoW Classic Stress Test 1

The stress test just starts at that time, but it will be available until something like 6:00PM PDT on Thursday, based on the blue post.

Are you sure of this?

It’s the first time I’ve heard anyone say that anyone has had access without being subbed for the invite, and it’s still just secondhand.

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Damn, I can’t even get a stress test invite? Vanilla veteran and active sub here… sigh.


So this is a terrible time to be honest Oceanic players will have to login at 2AM - 4AM for a chance to test the game. Shocking and still no mention on Oceanic servers. Blizzard are you aware that there are customers in Australia and New Zealand yes?

If I was looking for a pool of people who I would select in the future, I’d only select from people who fit some other criteria and people who are willing to test the less glorious aspects.


Am i sure, no it didn’t happen to me. It was reported in Disc and a screenshot of client downloading was also posted.

I will be happy to stress test as I will be home during all the scheduled times listed. :slight_smile:

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What part of Australia do you live in? 4pm-6pm Wednesday is 9am-11am Thursday morning for Melbourne and Sydney.


While you may miss the stress test itself, the server will be open for 24hrs if you happen to be selected.

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I think you are being trolled brother. Theres been MANY folks in the beta asking about this in trade. To date, not a single person playing in beta has said “Oh yeah I wasn’t subbed, yet I was flagged!”. Absolutely everyone that has responded over these days has said “I had an active sub when I was flagged”.

Just saying.

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did the time calculation on the timebie website

Not necessarily 2000 spots for the small beta. 1900 of those spots taken by streamers to build hype rather then test actual features and that leave 100 lucky players. not a great chance hey i wonder if i can get a flight to the moon next week its around the same odds lol. That said i am correct about oceanic servers though we need some information blizzard

Does stress test require sub?

Yea real threats in the air :smile:

But really does it read anywhere clearly, if sub is required for stress test? That’s kind of important info. Well there is probably enough people stressing it either way.

it goes on a certian criteria of factors which we don’t know could help may not help.

Pick me, i cant stand another second in BFA! :frowning:


Do you have to have an active Subscription to be a part of the stress test? I think i know the answer, just hoping I’m wrong…

And after that 6PM, once the stress test is done, will you increase the level cap? I understand that keeping the realm open is supposed to serve as some sort of an early access preview, right?

Horde and alliance should all converge on gurubashi arena, nothing stresses a server more than having the entire server pop in one location


Pretty sure the stress test, people who are invited specifically to that and aren’t already in, will be getting the boot on Thursday when the test concludes sorry mate