WoW Classic Stress Test 1

I thought this stress test was for the starting zones. Not sitting in queue or is it about sitting in queue?

I just got my invite, there’s still hope.

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I’m sure it’s more for general server stability. The reason I’d assume they put the level cap to 5 is to at least attempt to keep people in tight areas or prevent people from trying to actually level through the process.

Even then restricting availability for a stress test only works against what they’re trying to accomplish.

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Get it earlier and didnt check, or did you just get it right now?

Got mine 5 min ago!


Grats man! Just trying to find any hope lol

not even holding my breath for this invite either

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pretty please? lol

Feels bro. 04 player here but still no love yet. But gotta stay strong. still got over 90 days!

No invite yet. Did they go out already?

Just got my stress test inv =)


Can you confirm or deny, that Stress-Test players willl get in Real Beta “Faster”?

Tomorrow is going to be interesting. Wonder just how many people they speculate will join.

I have 2 PTR servers showing but no beta :confused: dang it…

sad face i only got invited to the stress test Lol

can you actually pause your account for a month or something? I re-subbed just to get a chance at the beta. Got the stress test invite is all…

what do you mean. What i meant is that i have not been subscribed in a long time. and got into the beta by adding a subscription 2 weeks ago. have not had a subscription in years

so glad to see Blizzard favor those who have only resubbed for a chance at beta stress test invites but those of us who have stuck it out arent

oh, I mis understood you. I did the same thing. resubbed after like 7 years or something hoping for full beta access. which I still dont have…

dont be salty. i hope you get your invite. just letting people know it seems random. and not pay to win. which is a good thing. gets a diverse pool of people to play

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