WoW Classic - Stress Test 1 Ending Info

As i said on another thread:
They made us stress test a login server instead of a game server, that’s not what the email said I was going to be doing. I understand that the stress test was for the login and the game server, but they knew how many invites they sent out and there is a disproportion of us that never made it past the character creation screen let alone the realm retrieval. Now the server is offline, they said it would be up for 24 hours, I could be wrong about that time frame. It’s just kind of a bummer. I hoped for just a little more.

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see this is something im okay with, it was a stress test and we were there to test it, but it’s so obvious that people who were accepted into the beta a week ago, were given a certain priority over us stress testers accepted last night, and that’s what people like myself are unhappy and disappointed with, if i was told i’d be constantly bashing the servers? I’d be fine with it, but I wasn’t.

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This was disgusting… I got to watch streamers play the beta for a week then log into the stress test no prob then go right back to the beta while im sitting here with nothing.

Screw you blizzard. Im done.


For some reason when i enter my Undead the loading bar stop at 75 % and my orc 90% each time i try to log into one .

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It also does not help that they shut down the regular beta server for this.

Still don’t get the point of a separate Stress Test group. Is it a Classic WoW thing? This was never required from beta WoD, beta Legion, or alpha BfA.

Question if we got into the stress test group does that remove us from ever getting into normal beta test group?

and also let each one of them in first.

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They did indeed shut down the regular beta server, but it wasn’t for long, and when they were resetting the stress test servers, beta users could simply hop back on the beta server and wait till the stress test came back online.

They’ve had a week to use it exclusively.

In theory, you might even get closed beta access if you can figure out the beta portal name.

Agreed friend.

It would have been a great stress test for the servers - if we could even get to the server log-in screen. I was not even able to do that for the entire time of the stress test. I tried to report it here in forums, but I kept getting 502 errors whenever I brought up the Blizzard web site. So it couldn’t even be reported. So all you people who think some of us are qq-ing because we don’t understand how a stress test works can go pound sand. I’ve been in enough betas and alphas to know. The Classic team screwed this one up - big time. It was a publicity stunt, nothing more. The invitation was a bunch of bullshyte.


This did not work for me.

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I think this is the best the Horde and Alliance have come together since Legion.

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its normal, they are not up. The “test” portal is not meant for you to get into the game.

Regardless of all the recent negativity following your stress test, i have to disagree. I expected things like this to happen; log in issues, server outages, frequent disconnects, and character customization issues. The test and beta is strictly for testing and bug finding purposes, i don’t find this complaining by many to be worth the time of dev’s as most wont enter beta for the betterment of the title. I really appreciate the time, dedication, and meticulous steps your team is making to make this game perfect and the way many remember it to be. Do what you must, and take the time you need. i must also admit that i was met with great surprise to see my computer run smoothly when you had layering and thousands of players load in the same server. Cant forget to mention Omar adding all the fun raid boss additions to help pass the time of testing, quite a surprise! However, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for the invite you have sent to me for the stress test, and i can only hope that i can get future invites to help give feedback for our game. Very excited to see whats to come in August!

Lol yall got rick rolled


I’m not sure I understand why you’re using the random bold and italic fonts?

“The stress test realm will still be available for play until Thursday, May 23 at 6:00pm PDT. If you were selected for just the stress test, there will be no realm to login to at that time tomorrow.”

Can’t login to a locked realm… so explain that Blizz.

OKay, so heres the thing. If you had informed me, or even asked me to spend 3 hours trying to log on, and trying to break the server i would hae been fine to help out.

However the email said, that we could actually play until tomorrow night.

The stress test is over, and i am still getting world server down issues.

You put out a limited number of invites, and we are having these probelms, i can only hope you fix this before you go live. cause if a control group can break the server, god help us all when the server go live.

I think you may have underestiamted how many people are gonna play this server, and may need to make more than a single classic server to hold everyone.

Hope you ask for my help again or i get to see some of the beta before launch; im alittle salty about not getting to actually play, but I can understand things happen.