Wow classic starter edition

My friend asked me to post since he didnt have wow, he tried to play classic wow with me i couldnt trade him because it said he has starter edition so im wondering do you need an expansion pass to not be in starter or not?

First off, I do not believe there is any wow classic starter edition. That would frankly be foolish on their part to do so.

That said, your friend will need to pay for gametime to have any starter restrictions lifted from their account. This includes trades, mail, chat, just to name a few.

Yup just tried it with my second account that is inactive. It says Active Subscription required to play World of Warcraft Classic.

Are you perhaps talking about the regular game, not classic?

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no i mean classic my friend tried trading me and it said he cant because of starter edition

I know what OP means. I’m having the same exact problem. My friend who just started playing has a subscription, but i cant trade him. Says I cant trade with starter edition accounts.


It can take up to 72 hours for social restrictions to be lifted while the transaction processes.


thank you!


Just saying how it can be lifted in 72 hours doesnt explain why they got it in the first place. I was on a hiatus from playing the game until Classic came out, but as soon as I purchased my 1 month subscription, it put me on starter edition as well. I would like to know why this happened, rather than how to get rid of it since it seems like its impossible to get rid of.

It’s a fraud prevention measure. Without them, that’s up to three days for stolen accounts to ply their trade and ensnare unwitting players into their nefarious schemes before Blizzard shuts them down for the failed transaction.


Actually, it’s when your paid game time expired that it put you on starter edition.* Once you’ve added game time, you’re no longer starter edition, but it can take some time for all the starter edition restrictions to be removed.

The restrictions Teufelgott mentioned are restrictions that apply to all accounts that don’t have game time. In game this is referred to as starter edition even if the account is actually an old account with no (or recently added) game time.

If you mean why in a larger sense: I believe it’s to thwart gold sellers and other abusers. Blizzard hasn’t and won’t explain in detail, because that would make it too easy for the gold sellers.

*Unless your hiatus began a very long time ago. I believe lapsed veteran accounts used to be entirely unusable, instead of usable with starter edition restrictions. So if you quit playing that far back, then technically you weren’t “put on starter edition” until they changed to the current setup.


came here to find this out; want to invite my brother to try classic wow but maybe not buy BfA. Good to know it’s not an option.

You can play Classic without buying BFA. This thread’s about the pending period after a subscription purchase.


To play WoW Classic you just need game time on your main WoW account. You don’t have to own the Battle for Azeroth expansion.