WoW Classic Season of Mastery is Now Live!

Mmm be careful what you wish for.
Wishes like this can end up corrupted.

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Did it ever occur to you that SoM might be the step in that direction? The last thing Blizzard needs right now is to kill their cash cow and quite frankly given their track record it’s very likely that could happen if they rushed into complete revamp trying to create a Classic plus.

In my opinion, the groundwork is already done. There is a lot left to be tinkered with in Classic WoW to make it an enjoyable MMO. As you mentioned, talent trees without changing anything could be adjusted to make other specs viable. Implementing class skills from the final patch before TBC would also be a welcome change. Reducing the raid size from 40 to 20 would be awesome as well. Again so much could be done before asking them to create content that could possibly jeopardize what in my opinion is the greatest MMO ever.

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Dont play. End.

I think you need to look at the WoW races before we start calling others Furry

I think you should realize there are other than furries that are playable in WoW.

Much hard
too difficult

And 14 only has furry races? What are you even talking about, think you need to reread what was being said

Yeah, you’re right. Who knows if SoM can just be a prelude to collect data for a Classic Plus sometime in the near future. We’ll just have to wait and see what comes of this because I see massive potential in a Classic Plus.

Sometimes wishes like this can also end up as a blessing.

Keep your fingers crossed. The success of SoM will determine the future of Classic and or Classic plus. Based on the comments I’ve seen the Devs make I’m of the belief that they have more up their sleeves and with gradual changes to SoM they are feeling out the community and response.


There is now a list of servers on Icey-veins and also the bnet news for Mastery. I think the name reservation start time is 6pm PST 11/11.


May we please get one Normal RP server?

Anyone know the IP’s for the east and west US servers ? Want to see which has better latency for me

Can you tell us what time the name reservation starts?

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The link at the top of the thread says 6pm Pacific time plus has a map with start times in other time zones.

sooo uh… everything iv found says name reservations are live but im not seeing any season of mastery servers on my classic wow realm list…


They are live in Europe, not in NA.

I too cannot see the additional server tab on NA, so here’s hoping for a client update soon.


I cant even see the installation we need to download and the start time for name reservation is in 3 hours for me

Naming reservations starts at 6pm PST. Not much to say after that

Periods are your friends.

their lack of communication is hilarious, no idea how this works

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