WoW Classic Season of Mastery Coming Soon

I’m surprised there is already a queue. Fresh might actually be super popular.

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it keeps saying the server is offline every single time

Do they keep restarting the server or something? lmao what is this.

So how do you get into a “season of mastery” server? When I go to WoW classic and start a new character I do not see anything.

this is a very late april fools prank by blizzard


Yah, looks like it. It’s probably crashing a lot on them.


The furthest I’ve gotten is the very end of the loading screen after entering the world. Thank you blizzard this test is awesome


Largest number in the queue I’ve seen so far is 101. Theres dozens of us!!

you need to go into your account settings/subscriptions then go to the bottom-ish and create a PTR account. Then season of mastery beta is an option

We’re testing ‘something’… we just don’t know what. Its pretty clear that the server is crashing almost immediately. It barely stays up 60 seconds before it goes down again. I managed to get to character creation twice but never completed the create.


Blizz just sitting there laughing, flicking the servers on and off



IM IN IM IN IMin bro

edit: immediately booted off

no youre not lol

someone should start streaming this launch

I’ve been able to choose a hair style like 6 times already. I have a feeling some IT guy is confused af about why the server he keeps starting keeps crashing.

got to click create character and then DCd

i was able to make a character, smashed the keyboard for a name ASAP and it loaded into game 90% and dc

probably not gonna get to have the name I want again

Its a beta, who cares.

It’s BETA!