WoW Classic Season of Mastery Coming Soon

I woke up for this

Agreed, but what makes even less sense is they can still parse without em. So it’s a silly argument.

Parsing is arguably even more competitive now because everyone is on the same playing field.

Let me in blizzard…LET ME IN!


They were not prepared.

Can we have the older version of Alterac Valley ? Thank you

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can i have some shloppy toppy

It would be possible to spend the entire “Season of Mastery” in a single Alterac Valley if that was brought back.

bro please open the servers


imma take a nap. hopefully i can get in when i wake up.

small indie company guys please they have a small dedicated team working on getting the servers up.

maybe Blizzard is busy doing their daily cubicle crawl? and they forgot to turn on ptr server lol


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Maybe they’ll skip the PTR and just go live. This brings up the question, does the Realm Selection window update live or do we have to keep cancel’ing out and re-entering? Inquiring minds want to know!

-Matt (UPPER case ‘M’, get it right!)


Blizz just announced that if ur not 70 in tbc you don’t get beta access.


if you didn’t buy the mount / portal pass in TBC then you can’t get beta access guys. go do it before the servers are up.

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It’s up.
Edit: Disconnected immediately lol

for long enough to get disconnected

Its up!
And down


We just got baited by blizzard

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I made it into character creation then DCed, didn’t see any premades :frowning:

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LAG. Its lagging. im lagging bro im lagging

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