I think people are overlooking the fact that, by buffing Questing XP in particular, they’re nerfing, at least, the prevalence and preference of other grinding methods like Mage Boosting or dungeon spam.
It’ll be interesting to see how significant the xp changes are. TBC leveling still feels pretty on point overall.
Heck yeah, 100% all of this. Give all priests FW and we’re really cooking!!!
This sounds great for the most part, but can you AT LEAST add in like a toggle option for normal XP rates?? The leveling experience is part of the magic of Vanilla and increasing them ruins that.
Other than that good stuff
Progressive itemization and I’m in.
While I will agree that World Buffs are NOT needed for MOST Raids, I will disagree with you if you think they are not needed for at least Naxx on some of the bosses. AQ40 is meh ish depending on the gear but I can see the argument for a need of World Buffs on (for example) Vex.
One thing I do not like is this does potentially take away the actual FUN of being a Fury Prot Warrior. At least in BC, Protection Warriors are not SOL when they arent raiding if they want to go questing or whatever short of having to pay 50g to respec (yes I know it doesnt start at 50 but it will easily get to 50g since ppl want to play the game). Here is hoping for at least dual spec to be implemented for quality of life.
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Not overlooking at all… I just think people will still prefer mage boosting or dungeon spam because it’s easier. People are lazy and will optimize the fun out of the game out of FOMO to rush to 60.
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Dual spec in this and tbc would be so nice.
Not really, most of the classes with shadow priest, ele and enh sham are awful because of gigantic mana issues. With increased boss HP youll be oom and standing there for the last 50% of the boss.
I really do not understand why you would remove world buffs from the game. If you dont want buffs, THEN DONT GET BUFFS. Its such a cope from players. “You can only parse with buffs”
Buffing was one of the funnest community builders in the entire game, it was great getting buffs, meeting people, scheduling heads, pvping the island, etc etc. Terrible idea.
Hear me out
Maybe the class isn’t for you if you have to rely on running around the world collecting world buffs every week for it to be fun.
agreed. That change does nerf the mage boosting although you can make argument for people grabbing quests before the boost to get credit for it. The question will be if Blizzard does a level check in the dungeon or not and if a person is past the “normal level” of the dungeon then those quest items/ quest credit kills etc do not count.
Excited af. nice job blizz. don’t get to say that to often! still will be grindy to lvl, it’s just tbc leveling. no boss debuff limit no wb. Will be interesting to see what classes/specs/set bonuses little things like that will be useful. closest we could ask for for a vanilla+ can’t wait to see what they keep changing. Keep it up.
Love the WB change. Hate the XP buffs. The grind from 1-60 is content, whether you like it or not. I don’t think it’s a great idea to reduce this content. It essentially just expediates the timeframe to when people start raidlogging.
Removing the debuff cap is also interesting, and I’m curious to see what specs will benefit the most. Locks are the obvious one, maybe spriests, boomkin, cat will see a bit more usage this time around with their DoT-centric playstyles.
Hunters and rogues might see their power slightly increase relative to other specs, due to serpent sting & deadly poison?
I’m also not onboard with the summoning stone stuff. The greatest advantage that Classic has over any expansion in WoW’s history is the sheer size of the world. Outlands, Northrend, Pandaria, Draenor, Broken Isles, KT/Zandalar, Shadowlands individually don’t come close to the size of EK+Kalim. They diminish Classic’s crowning jewel when you can skip over the world.
I’d also like to see Mage boosting gutted to the point of not being possible at all. Mage boosting is cancer
Guess my 20 person cluster is going to go down to 5 or so. Sweet!
Go take notes from the ascension server. They do it perfectly.
Also the wow boomers need to calm down about wb, they were awful.
Also no mage boosting
Lost the bad players who rely on world buffs to down content*
Glad this is happening, but no world buffs means i wont be playing. Good luck
the xp quest increase is a huge nerf to mage boosting.
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No world buffs, not playing
so unbelievably disappointed with this.
again, these changes are not for the people that will actually play the game.
What about the bot problem? How about you address actual issues.
Rushed content, no world buffs. (meaning we have to flask every raid.)
Blizzard at it again.