WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

My point was that 2-3k is the server online population we’re expecting. Anything more than that is no Vanilla.

With layering most people are talking about 45k (15 layers at 3k, or 9 at 5k).

I may be the new guy here, but what the heck is layering? Is that a prototype version of the cancerous CRZ that Blizzard implemented some time ago in retail version?

It’s the opposite. It’s continental/global copies of the world. Sort of sharding, but on a much larger continuity.

Each “layer” is a complete world copy.

CRZ is about merging multiple realms together because they’re underpopulated. Layering is about handling massively overpopulated worlds.

Yall still believe they are going to cap the servers at 3k? That’s not going to happen lol. Didn’t Tips reveal that from an off camera question to the devs on a discord meeting that leaked a while back?

They may layer them at 3k per layer, but once they remove layering and those 15k~ people are all trying to login, they will have higher server caps than just 3k man. I don’t think it’ll be insane 15-20k but it will probably be around 6-8k.

[citation needed]

That assumes there will be more than 7500 people playing per server after launch.

This may be a stupid question but does it matter if you play in a different time zone. I am Eastern, can I still play in Pacific?

Yes. Just with additional latency.

Some of us are forced to, given no realms for the right type in some timezones.

I feel like that is doable with 3750 each faction

7500 = 40% peak with 3k online cap. For a popular game, 30-40% of MAUs online during peak hours is a good rough guide. So a 3k online population cap, can comfortably manage about 7500 people, maybe a bit more.

What would have made Classic better is if you guys actually used the original server names and allowed all our missing Classic friends a better chance to reconnect. I feel this way would have made a better chance to have Classic be successful.

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a) That’s what the threads are for.

b) They realised that people would be confused when talking about “Moon Guard” whether they meant the Retail or Classic one, especially in forums.

c) Many existing servers have cultures that people would expect to be transplanted, but new servers means new cultures and new names means less “This is how we’ve always done it here” nonsense.

d) There aren’t enough Classic servers to reuse every Retail name, so the majority of people would feel slighted even if they used existing names, because their server didn’t get picked.

e) Isn’t this more fun?


Well, I’m near Chicago, I want a PvE server, and I’m playing Alliance. I guess it’s Pagle. Really hope this doesn’t end up being a dumb decision.

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yes, I can understand there aren’t enough servers. combine names to make it a collaboration then maybe? Mann-Illi-Doom. Or some way of relating them. even if it is a new server name at least maybe some tooltip that could say “home of (these) servers”.

I sparsely read forums, we had guild websites that just dwindled down. Or other outdated ways to communicate.

Culture is not even going to be close to what it is on BFA realms. I cant see how it would translate/transfer to the Classic realm.

maybe more fun for people who have never played i guess. maybe im just an old guy who is gonna think Classic is a waste. who knows.

Start here.

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Attention Kargath/Norgannon Players. Elysian Dawn Will be on Pagle Server. Hope to see some of you there.

Did I miss something definitive about layer count? I have no real information, but I would have guessed maybe 4-5 layers. Allow for a 20 - 25% retention rate.

‘only players who have a character on this realm can make a character on this realm’???
Pagle attempt 1

There is some thing broken or something else going on. Being forced into servers that my family and I do not want. Cannot choose a server. Then when we are in at a character select screen we have to back out to see what server we are on. Then every time we pick Bloodsail Buccaneers it errors out.

Blizzard after all this time you would think you could have the server name displayed on the character creation game. It would be very helpful. Everytime we are taking to a character creation screen we have to back out to find we were forced on to a normal server.

So after like 30+ minutes of queue waits and disconnections all of my selected names were taken. Not to mention it redirected me auto-magically to the wrong server 2 times.

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  1. Got up early, waited for realms – “Locked”!
  2. Suddenly, “Incompatible”
  3. Surprise client update after having the BattleNet client open for hours?
  4. Open realm list Logging into server
  5. You have been disconnected
  6. Open realm list Logging into server
  7. You have been disconnected
  8. Open realm list Logging into server
  9. You have been disconnected
  10. Open realm list Logging into server
  11. Got in! Can’t see what server I’m on, create character. Myzrael wtf.
  12. Realm list, select Whitemane.
  13. Logging into server
  14. You have been disconnected
  15. Rage intensifies. Open game, select Whitemane.
  16. Logging into server
  17. You have been disconnected
  18. Rage further intensifies. Open game, select Whitemane.
  19. Finally get in (45 minutes post-“available”)! Name taken, name taken, name taken.

Gee, thanks Blizzard. Glad to learn you’ve figured out how to run launches.