WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

Gross “warmode” Let’s not talk about that here please.

In all seriousness it’s raw pvp server with just a RP attached in front with like minded communities to form on top of normal pvp players so it’s either you want wpvp or you don’t back in this era. Wow catered to wow players for so long that’s why retail is in such a bad spot now for pvp.

That’s mine. That’s the staff I want.

What pvp server are my horde boys rollin?

can,t get in to pick name wtf?

If you’re looking to pvp at all, I recommend playing on a pvp realm. Herod looks like the go to one so far, if you’re not west coast.

Pve Realms though stress free while leveling, are going to be really dry when it comes to pvp, until phase 2 at least.

That isn’t for a few hours yet

I would like to know which server Horde PVPers are going to as well.

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So much hype!

Whitemane Alliance REPRESENT

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“And since when did server time zones matter much for what most players do in game? It’s all about your social network(s).”

Well if you meet a chick you like, dating will probably be easier if she’s within 1-2 thousand miles of you instead of 3 thousand miles. Beyond that, most of us have pretty messed up sleep schedules anyway so probably doesn’t matter. :slight_smile:

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6pm EST. 5pm CST, 4pm MST, 3pm PST

Tempted to add ‘for horde, an hour later for alliance’ but confident nuclear missiles and bans would come flying at me from people who don’t know a joke. The times I mentioned are accurate though and there’s a calendar thing in the link of OP’s post.

Time to avoid the servers with streamers on them

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This is going to be a train wreck. Wtf are these guys thinking releasing so few servers. Where are they getting their numbers from?

What numbers have you got?


What servers are the streamers going to. I want a High PvP server and figured killing steamers and their fanboys is just the place I want to be… Horde Player… Any suggestions?

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There are two datacenters, East (Chicago) and West (Los Angeles). Don’t repeat nonsense without evidence.

avoidstreamers dot com

We’re moving our whole old RP guild to this. Words can’t express how stoked I am.

its in thread

TLDR version of my response is probably nobody will know for sure until a month or two after launch (after mildly curious people look and leave, and main players stay). And probably have to assess things in an ongoing way. I took a jab at a thought process for estimating, but concluded with don’t know and deleted it (had to make too many assumptions by the end). :slight_smile:

Clues might be the # of people who logged in for the stress test, the # of people posting on sticky threads here, the # of people who launch from their battlenet client instead of direct launch. They’re probably doing fancy stuff with clustering and loadbalancing to keep servers from crashing - each ‘server’ is probably a group of machines backed up by another group of machines so they could minimize the number of ‘servers’ and reduce odds of deserted servers. Do that layering thing for population management in crowded places if I understand the layering concept correctly.