Can Bloodsail Buccaneers please be changed? It’s a needlessly long name for the single RP realm.
The amount of folks that will play Classic just won’t require that many servers.
The amount of servers released will more than cover the amount of interested Classic players.
You are operating under delusion and false facts, created by your misinformed mind. Naturally, this mental state will cause you distress.
Easy there Dr. Phil
We need datacenter information so our guild can pick a server. Which servers are hosted where? Are any hosted in Chicago? Release this info ASAP please.
Can you clarify where each data center for the servers will be?
Wow, such a small server list. They really have low expectations for Classic.
Please at CST and more than 11 servers. Also which general location for each server (for latency purposes).
Oh baby. I hope everyone is ready for the jungle.
1 RP-PVP makes my choice easy!
Chicago is an eastern hub?
Lmao. 3 EST PvP Realms?
Wildly pathetic.
Just stop.
Pagle is a great realm name.
Realistic expectations*
(fixed man, yw)
Seems you are also part of that special Pot and Kettle.
They’re with the MST servers
Ha! I was hoping for a cooler server name, and EST. But it’s fine, just glad to have an RP-PvP realm.
Even though the website gets absolutely ddosed every time the classic beta opens and the game becomes one of the top 3 on twitch, they still think classic isn’t going to be popular, they are still sticking with “you think you do but you don’t” lol
Oh Blizzard, you are in for a rude awakening…
Going to be a lot harder to avoid streamers…
Fixed it for you.
Hey man! Long time no see!
From what I understand now, Blizzard only has two physical locations for servers in NA: LA and Chicago.
The Stalagg PVP stress test server was in Chicago, but I’m curious if they’ll all be in Chicago or some will be in LA.