WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

Dont absolutely need it. back in the day i played on lightninghoof which was a west coast rp-pvp server. wasnt that bad

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The latency difference is likely negligible … but playing from eastern Montana probably makes a Chicago-based server the every-so-slightly “less laggy” choice.

Lightninghoof is a CST server based in Chicago.

damnit … I gotta get used to this format, was meant to be its own reply

Look at a map and tell me where Chicago is in relation to LA.

Spoilers: its east.

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back in bc time on lh was 3 hours behind me in ny

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CST servers are a relic of when they had servers in Dallas.

what server is asmonbad on? so i can avoid it like the plague.


It’s not an “internet absurdity”.

From Merriam-Webster…note the word “indeterminately”.

“at least some but indeterminately small in number”

As opposed to the fact that more people live in the CST timezone than EST or PST (and the coasts only win if you add PST to EST)?

Why do they have such lame names ?


Considering it to be an unlimitedly large number is.

20 is not small in number. 10 is not small in number.

You have pst realms hosted out of Chicago.
You also have est realms hosted out of LA.

Timezones is a relic leftover from 2004.

It makes no sense to have 2 server types with only one server and they both not be hosted out of Chicago.

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As someone who plays on a nominally EST server… no, it really isn’t. I constantly have to translate times or ask for timezone because of it.

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You expect 90% of the players to leave the game within a week or two? Because that’s how many will need to leave to get the server down to the standard 3k population if you start with 30k.

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Well Blizzard is expecting 75% at least, I think.

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Hey blizz, are the servers on eastern time ALL based in chicago?

RPPvP For the Horde, reporting!

Going to get my Grobb on!