WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

We’ll find out when Character Creation goes live and we ping them all.

There should totally have been a realm called Nostalrius as a tribute


CST server

Man, I am just waiting the brasilians to choice their server to avoid it.
This is my criterion

true but it would’ve been way too popular

Lol, Brazilian mass overruns only happen in games that don’t have a paywall.

I dunno, there were a ton on Warsong back in the day.

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I assume Blizz will go after the pirate servers after launch. Naming (stealing the name of) a pirate server to honor it while taking legal action on the others probably won’t help their case.

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Wow, some really weak realm names tbh

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He will be rolling PvP. Classic WPVP will be good for views. No way he’s going to miss out on that.

That’s so sadly pessimistic on their part. I hope it isn’t the case.

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For Khaz ModaaaaaAAAAAAAAAN!

Whitemane confirmed weeb server?

Wow. These realm names are horrible.


No you can’t… I like many others am not subscribing for 1 day of stress testing. I’ll save two-weeks of subscription time and subscribe on Monday, August 26th. If Blizzard wanted a true count, they should have made it open to all.

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Honestly I agree. That said, it doesn’t really bother me. I’d play on a realm called “Fudgesicle”. It doesn’t really affect me in game.

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Coo. About time. However. Grobbulus? Come on man. This name feels like a back hand to the face. Are you saying RP-PVP’ers are somehow a mutation?
Kind of stinks its west coast time too. What about the other side of NA? I’ll manage but Grobbulus? Seriously? That is not a good RP name.
Compare that name to Emerald Dream, Wyrmrest Accord, The Venture Co. Don’t those name feel/sound like RP?
Grobbulus sounds like a drunken degenerate. Lol.
Thanks though.


They have clock addons you know.

Wish it was EST tbh but at least we got one.

Europe got all the cool names. Pagle? Really?