WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

Why ? There are only 2 datacenters now. And with CRZ on retail time zones don’t really mean anything any more.

Except they said they wouldn’t do that, because it will lead to servers not collapsing down to one layer.

Oh…what did they say then ?

I don’t recall them saying anything about how many layers each server would have.

as a scarlet crusader i’m so glad to have a Whitemane server rolling there for sure

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Why is there only 2 data centers anyway? Is the cost of 1 more that prohibitive?

I think Los Angeles, Dallas, and New York would be perfect.

Omar said ‘a few’ and Patrick Dawson said there would be a layer cap so that the realms collapse down to one after the tourists leave.

Nah most people are east coasters no?

Data centers are expensive, but more it’s that spreading your infrastructure out means that you have to duplicate the interconnections more. If there weren’t an issue with latency, they’d probably prefer to have all servers in one data center. Remember, battlegroups are data-center limited etc.

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Ah yes…“a few”. I remember that discussion.
By definition …“a few” is more than one with no distinct set number.

So no one knows the layer cap except for Blizzard.
But why worry…all those tourists will be gone in a week or two…remember ?

No, by definition “a few” is 3 or 4. It’s only an Internet Absurdity Argument that people say Few could be 20.

500k non-tourists packed into 13 servers is a failure still.


rp-pvp should have been a CST

  1. a small number of.
    “may I ask a few questions?”
    synonyms: not many, hardly any, scarcely any;
    a small number of, a small amount of, a small quantity of, one or two, a handful of, a sprinkling of;

  2. used to emphasize how small a number of people or things is.
    “he had few friends”
    synonyms: not many, hardly any, scarcely any;
    a small number of, a small amount of, a small quantity of, one or two, a handful of, a sprinkling of;

Grass is always greener.


What alternative realms? Over in Europe I effectively only have two realms to chose from…

Bloodsail Buccaneers it is…

I cant wrap my head around Grobbulus…


I think 11 is a good start for Blizzard.

Most people are forgetting about the people who go offline. If a server has 40,000 players on it, that doesnt meant that all 40,000 are online. Only about 8-10k will be online.


I don’t see the west coast as having a larger population than the ENTIRE CENTER of the US. Correct me if I am wrong.

Welcome to Grobbie Town, Population us!

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You expect Classic WoW to have less players than Eve Online an incredibly old niche game does right now?

Well, California is the most populated state in the country, but yes CST is higher population than PST.