WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

THey only have 2 server locations and the East one is actually located in the Central time zone.

WoW Server loocations for North America and Oceanic are located in the following cities .

West server base : Los Angeles CA.

East Server base : Chicago Ill.

Oceanic : Sydney Aus.

Ok for those complaining about needing one in CTZ I take it Chicago is too far for all of you.

This is so exciting! How does one reserve a name? I would like to do that. Does it save when you make a character on the stress test for the name or do you have to do it on a certain post?

Iā€™m central now as well and my WoW retail servers are pacific with a 30ms latency on average.

I would have actually given Blizzard a thumbs up if they named the server ā€œMankirkā€™s Wifeā€ inatead.


Then it would be too easy to find her.

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Derka - you seem to be they type of guy who hears ā€œThe birds are walking out of the purple hole in moon landā€ when somebody says ā€œI saw a satellite last night and it was coolā€. I find it creepy that you think people are going to chastise you ingame and are so worried about it. that you nerdrage. Go take a powder.

Is this confirmed or just speculation?

Currently, there are several retail East NA servers that are physically hosted in LA. So I donā€™t think it is wise to assume the physical location based on the timezone of the server.

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Is a realm list by datacenter available?


It is also #13. :ghost:

I was close in my fan-fiction.

ā€¦ account resurrected after 8 years, 4 months.

Whitemane or Thalnos, Whitemane or Thalnos ā€¦

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Weā€™ve discussed this previously. This is where population caps get introduced on the ā€œfullā€ realms and free character transfers are made available.

Yes, and at least on aussie server we had a constant conversation in chat about how much we missed and loved vanilla - horde and allie side. People were talking about subbing for 6 mos and 1 yr to save money. It was glorious.

With layering what determines ā€œfullā€ ?

Plusā€¦didnā€™t most people say the tourists would leave within a week or two ?

With this decision itā€™s clear that Blizzard still believe we think we do, but we donā€™t. They must be convinced that Classic is a subpar product and hundreds of thousands of people will quit within weeks never to return.
I believe that top brass at Blizzard are deluded and actually think BfA is a superior product to Classic. They see Classic as a drive by cash in that wonā€™t last rather then a full fledged game that will sustain itself long term.


Yes please can we have this information? I do not want to roll on a server located in Los Angeles, Iā€™ve had nothing but problems when I did. The various connections between me and there are not good.


ā€œThe server that shall not be namedā€ still has 10k+ logging in one year later.

Either way the Classic servers are going to be in one of those 2 data centers.

The main 3 servers I use Gilneas/Elune(Horde) and Stormrage (Alliance) are both located in Chicago and are all ET servers. I Live in Arizona closer to the L.A. data center yet I have no major problems playing on a Eastern server outside of the occasional wifi drop but thatā€™s a me problem.

I guess far earlier than expected. Realm transfers active within a week vs active a month or two later.

All of us East Coasters who want RP-PvP are going to be there and with todays infrastructure there shouldnā€™t be any real lag problems.