WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

Well, Emerald Dream certainly sounds a nice place for a roleplayer who wants to immerse him/herself in their world and character. Grobbulus and …Buccaneers are already lending themselves to certain off-color jokes about grabbing_ss and b-ttpirates outside of and inside this thread. PVP realms have sissy names. Who didn’t think this through? Or did they?


Maybe they were posted in the EU forum because their relams are not connected to the NA servers like the Oceanic ones are in retail.

40 on launch, 89 within 48 hours. So hopefully we can get them to build to 25-30 during Character Creation.


Which is why Swifty doesn’t want to be on the same server…

Only 13 servers?

Do they think Classic will still be some small side thing? Why are they thinking Classic won’t succeed big?

Nice guild name.

Yes, but he is basically irrelevant to server pop compared to Asmongold, that’s the point.

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Compared to Mt Everest, Mt Rainer is irrelevant, but it still is bigger than a molehill.

Thankfully, Blizzard implemented a system that will accommodate large numbers of initial players called “layering” but will also prevent huge numbers of dead servers after people leave because either it isn’t retail enough or it isn’t enough like their private servers.
And yes, before everyone gets all huffy, there will definitely be private server tourists just as there will be retail tourists.


Wow, its amazing how people will complain about literally anything.

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Nah, this is about what I expected. They’d initially provision for about 100K players staying long term with everyone else “being a tourist.” They likely have also provisioned for well over a Million players coming in for launch, which means they have the technical capacity to increase the realm count by a multiple of 8 if they need to, which would be utterly ridiculous for the long-run.

It’s probably going to take “about a week” for them to start having a reasonable degree of confidence that a lot of characters are “not a tourist” and start adding realms. Unless they see some truly crazy good numbers, which would make a 10/20% “rule of thumb” immediately point to more long-term realms being a good idea. (Remember: 80% of accounts didn’t make it past level 10 as of Wrath)

Wait until week 2 to pass judgements on Blizzard with this.


I’ve been very happy with all the communication from the team and the project in general.


I’m pretty sure they have more servers on standby in case there is greater demand. Just kind of disappointing seeing as the floor is so low compared to in 2004.

But, you know, maybe servers now have higher pop caps than they did back in 2004? Maybe layering requires them to have less servers in total?

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Hey we need 2 rp-pvp servers. I want to play both Horde and Alliance.

Thanks and keep up the okay work.


Ita funny… NA complaining that EU realms have great names…and EU players complaining NA realms have all the good names.

Has to be some psychological study here.


The danger here is that within that week, the early servers will have become so full that people are invested and rerolling isn’t as easy.

If they’d gone with 30, I’d have been ok though still thinking they were underselling it.

With these servers they’re basically saying “This game is no better than OSRS”

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This! This is why this server should be the “streamer server”. It just goes so we’ll compared to the other names.

Did you really have to give the RP-PvP server the WORST name? Its like you want it to be unpopular.


I am definitely going to play on that one.

So far it’s the only one with an eager playerbase and subreddit.

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