WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

Welp…11 US servers to house a million players. This ought to end well…

Hoping…and praying…I can end up in a Normal-type Eastern time zone realm (preferably Pagle, since Mankrik is probably going to be the meme realm)…although any normal-type will suffice (since I can convert US time zones better than most people).

Not sure why someone would choose a server two timezones away rather than one. But it’s possible.

FWIW StaySafe reports 66ms from West to East coast.

Server names are important, or blizzard wouldnt have auctioned off the original server blades with names on them.


You have to ping the servers or as close as possible. The routes aren’t the same.

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Classic will EASILY get 250,000+ players at launch and I will take any bet with anyone denying it.


What does that matter? The data center in Chicago is … on CST…

What matters is the clock and the serer colloquial conversation. An 8pm “late” raid on Eastern is 5pm PST and unachievable by full time employees. An 8pm raid on Central is 6pm PST which is workable.

I guess all we can hope for is that people can learn timezones better than they’ve evidenced on this forum.

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I bet he chooses either the one with the time zone most of his base is in, or where he gets the best ping. It’ll be a product of quality for himself or his income.

Like the original 13 colonies. So say we all.


He’s playing pve? Thank God…

Still waiting on a blue post with datacenter information…

It’ll have that 3 months later.

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This goes against every instinct I have, but give the streamers early access to make their characters so they can announce their server name ahead of time so I can avoid them.


What do you mean? The two datacenters for Blizzard are in Chicago and Los Angeles. They already have a central datacenter. Even the current EST servers are on the Chicago datacenter.

Nah, guilds will form accordingly. When there is only one option, people won’t have options and they’ll adjust. Need a server that raids 8pm PST? You’ll find one that raids 8pm PST or 11pm EST.

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We’ll know during character creation, but most likely EST = Chicago, PST = LA.

You mean where the majority of players are?

I most certainly read your post, and I am absolutely not trolling.

Is the server timezone also the region where the server is physically located? And if not, could you please give us the physical locations for each server. It’s important to me that I pick a realm with low latency

13 Servers? Wonder if they’ll need more. Seems like a small amount of servers.

I’d be surprised if less than 500,000 people tried playing classic. That’s more than like 40,000 people per server. Bbbiiiiiiit of a stretch.