WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

The names overall for the US are pretty bad lol.


Damn. Living in a CST tome zone state I guess was overlooked when choosing realm times. Well I guess that makes sense.


There are 2 physical data centers.

Chicago (east)

LA (west)

Its been this way for like 6 years.

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It will only be an hour difference if you choose EST, so it shouldn’t be too bad. Plus, the EST servers are in Chicago anyway.

Now you’re just being a troll. 500k residual players 3 months after launch is a reasonable expectation. And these servers are going to be bogged down by it.

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I really think you’re wrong having been in the community but that aside, a move like this will ensure that the population cannot exceed that number. There simply will be no room for more people to play the game.

The only people who get stuck with those sorts of names are the ones who never can come up with decent names anyway. Use your imagination. Use a little creativity. Read a book or two.

Listen, people, we are finally getting what Blizzard not only refused to give us for so long, but what they repeatedly insisted they couldn’t do: Classic servers. Do we have to spoil the fun by being Negative Nellies about every little detail?

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You think you just griefed me but you actually insulted a large part of the people on this forum. Go pick up yer kids - they are done with soccer practice. Nost is the reason Classic exists. That is irrefutable. It was a good ride but we were all hoping to leave Nost and play on Blizzard servers. It happened, albeit in a messed up way.


So there’s two Eastern pve servers. I’ve got a 50/50 chance of avoiding Asmongold’s server. I don’t love those odds…


Need moar CST

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Don’t all streamers play on PVP? To make for better streams and raging for views…

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Because that’s what babies do.

They cry.

All the time.

I have absolutely no doubt that there are only PT and ET servers to ensure that the populations split up as evenly as possible. You throw a couple of CT servers in there and you will have 75% of everyone on those only.

Asmongold is in Texas.

He could just as easily choose a PST server.

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Which non-existent middle of the country datacenter would you like them to use?

Last I heard he was going pve. But that was months ago.

Not all of them no. And since there’s barely any servers, they’ll be filling those too.

Did u even read the post? I was giving constructive criticism and you are just trolling.

Hey Randy, nice to see you post!

Wise move to stick with PT and ET only (really!)

I have absolutely no doubt that there are only PT and ET servers to ensure that the populations split up as evenly as possible. You throw a couple of CT servers in there and you will have 75% of everyone on those only.

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Probably Mankrik then, because its such a meme realm name.

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