WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

I’m surprised, there’s no Central servers more so on the RP-PVP part but beggers can’t be choosers, thanks a ton for the info blizzard!

The server names are fine, I am angry over the number of servers. The economy of these servers are going to be decimated long before phase 2. 10+ layers per server is not unlikely. There is no way layering is going away unless Blizzard wants 10k population per server concurrent.


I don’t know about people on the East Coast, but I’m in Central Iowa, my server (Hydraxis/Terenas) is in the LA datacenter, and I have no issues at all with ping. Nor has my brain melted from the stress of living in the Central time zone and playing in the Mountain time zone.

P.S. I’m tentatively going with Atiesh. Realm names don’t really matter, but Atiesh seems like a good one for someone whose main is a mage.

Young man, if there is anywhere even close to millions, I will buy you a subscription to Maxim™

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In PVP, from 100ms to 30ms is a noticeable difference.


The numbers you guys keeping flinging around are hilarious.

I’d say “You can’t make this stuff up” but you very clearly can.

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Most players don’t sign petitions or even come on these forums… most people just want to play the game and that’s it.


or maybe people who are going to play didnt participate in the stress tests and stuff giving a false preview of what launch is going to be like so in part you can kind of blame the community if thats so

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Blizzard only has server hubs at LA and Chicago

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Actually it was 280k, but that was only the tip of the iceberg of Classic players.

If you’re only going to provide one of each of these, shouldn’t they be in CST to minimize the timezone shock? Silver Hand is rolling in its grave at no PST RP server.


“Data that justifies my ar$e…” I just resubbed other day because that’s when paycheck for Aug. came in. Otherwise I’d have waited til just before 26’th. There is going to be a MASSIVE influx end of Aug. of people coming out of the woodwork who have never posted in a forum in their life or ever watched a streamer. There is a problem I haven’t seen addressed with so few servers as well - the tos-type names, those befitting Azeroth, will be taken immediately… ALL of them. The majority of players will get stuck with Pwnuhoes, Buttyfergiven and Andogeniefalicity and such.


Young man? I am retired and maxim hasn’t been relevant in a decade.


Sad to see that RP-PVP is PST and not CST.


I’m cracking up at people wanting Datacenter and IP information.
Literally infosec 101 would prohibit that. Use traceroute and router names like any other respectable RTT nut…

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Where are the Eastern servers located? I’ve heard Chicago, can we confirm if that’s true?

Bro, that’s so mean spirited. How many people out of a population sign petitions? A percentage, not every single one. Please have some charity and be a bit less aggressive toward something that is clearly so important to other people.


Right? Stress tests, original signature gathering, beta usage etc… tbh, prolly wasn’t over 200k unique logins. Much more like 75k-100k, I bet.

It’s people inflating numbers to match either their emotions or egos…either way, it isn’t true.

These feelings > science people are quite strange.

You had to have an active subscription to a trash version of the game to play in the classic stress test. Obviously it’s going to vastly under-represent the playerbase.


Appreciate the adjustment on this info, so that it tells us what we need.

#Grobgang we out here