WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

As a non RPer, I would be fine with swapping grobbulus with one of the NA pvp names. Give them whitemane or herod or something with actual lore behind it. I prefer Grobbulus as a pvp server name over faerlina or fairbanks.


Out of all the names to name the RP-PvP server, why Grobbulus?

Sapphiron would be a bloody badass name. Grobbulus makes me want to vomit.


If you are absolutely certain there are too few realms, more can easily be added. Why don’t you just wait and jump on one of the ones added later?

Subs dropping enough to warrant the project is why we are getting Classic. Get off your self righteous high horse lol.

But w/e you got to tell yourself to justify being shady/private servery, amirite?


Yes, latency will be about twice as much. Tested this with a VPN: Chicago server is 40ms while L.A. is 100ms

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This thread is full of piss-babies whining about realm names.

My god people are pathetic.


Whitemane here I come!

This is going to be like a new MMO release, it is going to pull people out of the woodwork. To act like it will be anything else is absurd. It will not only pull people that have not played WoW in a decade or more, it will also pull current subs, people that have never played, and people that are currently playing other MMOs that are in a content drought.


That isn’t enough servers.


I don’t care at all about the realm names. I just don’t understand how layering will ever be removed when we have so few servers.


No CTS wtf, well east behold the spanish inquisition


I think all the Whitemane players should just call it Sally.

always easier to upscale then downscale. issue is hopefully they dont make the same mistake twice by making TO many extra servers.

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That isn’t what the data shows, clearly. If there were the ‘millions’ you prophesize, they’d be making more servers.

You’re telling porkypies, my child. Spreading lies and falsehope to reinforce the dream you live in.

Are we planning on having 25k+ people per server? If you take the very base assumption that 500k players are interested and have been playing Classic now and for the last decade, that makes each server home to 45k players. I remember the launch of Vanilla back in 2004, there were 80 some servers in the first 6 weeks and they were plagued by playability issues. I can’t recall distinctly how many servers there were on Launch, but I remember that first week where I rerolled twice because they just kept crashing. I started on Khadgar, rerolled on Korgath and wound up on Kargath.

I think that releasing so few servers is a huge mistake and rings of low expectation for the game. Part, if not most, of the magic is the community. A community that can only be healthy with minimal layering and room to explore and exist in the world. To encounter other players and unique situations made possible by a healthy persistent world. Stacking tens of thousands of players onto a single realm creates huge friction, reduces drive, stifles community, and makes the world feel small and cluttered. I know one of the arguments for more players per server is the technological capabilities back in the day were limited where as today they are vastly improved. However, I think that the technology of the time, though limited, was perfect for the world immersion that original Vanilla needed. Just because server caps were set at around 5 to 7k peak doesn’t mean a 20k player peak would be ideal. Indeed some of the servers with 7 or so thousand players at peak were largely considered to be too congested.

In summary, I think it’s a crying shame that we’re going to see every server in the game be an Ultra High pop server with limited breathing room, players vanishing from sight and hidden amongst layers you’ll infrequently interact with. Hiding the vast majority of the playerbase of a server from each other is crazy to me and the antithesis of immersion. It’s essentially 6+ realms stacked onto 1 with free and near instantaneous server transfers between them.

I hope we can see some more options for servers, I really do. And as a closing statement, my guild consists of 3 raids (soon to be 4 when Kargoz builds his daytime raid) with over 180 raiders and nearly 400 members. These players come from all across these United States and I am now forced to choose between saddling either the Eastern or Western playerbase with ~150ms latency. I don’t imagine I or anyone else will enjoy today’s guild meeting.

*Edit: Just learned that the EST servers are housed in Chicago datacenters which takes a bit of a load off. Still the number of viable options for our guild is 3.


I’m just saying but if that Rp server doesn’t have a pirate themed guild I’m going to be disapointed in the lot of you.


Man… you really underestimate how many millions of people quite WoW between say, Wrath and BfA. They all are potential players…

The name reservations will shed a lot of light if Blizzard posts the stats. I’m willing to bet we’ll see way more than 100,000 claim their 3 toons. My gut tells me we will see upward of 3 million players jumping on the Classic WoW train… perhaps many more.

I mean… BfA players will amount to more than a ,millin players of Classic… as let’s face it… log in and run another 20 WQ’s or 6 Mythic+s… or log into a completely fresh Azeroth… during a time most of them never experienced.


lol 500k … kern only got 100k sigs from your ‘vast’ private server domain. Why do you people keep making up numbers?

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We will see, when we have millions, I expect a full and public apology.


So no CST realm?

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