WoW Classic Pre-Launch Test 11:00 a.m. PDT August 8 and Minimum Specs

Hopefully we can get back in soon :slight_smile: But they are open til Monday morning so still have all weekend to play.

Got a source for the Monday?


Well, I guess I should not be shocked at that… Some things NEVER change LMAO!!! I am that person who would roll a 1/100 EVERY time!!! Like I said, I remember the drop rates being bad but not THAT bad!!! Of course, when you factor in the sheer number of other players vying for drops AND the fact that RNGesus hates me so much…

I gotcha source right 'ere!!!

So what Kaivax the Blue is saying is that it is almost ready.
install WoW Classic:

So its still up or no?

Barov still appears to be up, logged in and running around =)

There’s a stickied thread literally right under this one saying that the stress test is being left up until Monday.

Oceanic realm down right now?

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Appears to be - can’t see or log in to my lvl 10 test rogue. Also can’t create a new character.

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Swamp of Sorrows Realm is down please fix!!


Oceanic servers down

super sad that the oceanic server is down, pretty much ruined my morning

not sure about your actually enthusiasm here, as only 1000 posts on forum topic?

sure the view don’t matter as much when you got 100 same people clicking it every day or 5 times a day to generate view of post. but 1000 posted messages seems kinda low for such a main topic.

Yowler was awesome. It took two groups of 4 to take him down (twice so both groups could get the quest). We wiped two or three times due to other mobs popping up at inopportune times. Once we wound up with 9 mobs on us. And Yowler wasn’t stupid… he went after the healers first and nobody had the gear or skill to get him off. Even my Fade wasn’t enough to get him off of me. That was the most fun I’ve had in almost a year!


that didn’t help either

I dont even have the option to select wow classic all i get is battle for azeroth and PTR: world of warcraft… I do not have any wow installed on my computer as of now why dont I have the option to download it???

Will there be another one before launch?

no there will not be

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Give us another one!!! We love it!!!