See you all there!!! =\=
I also have no INSTALL button, so I should assume I’m ready to go?
My time has come…
Right so…you know most of us actually WORK during this time of day right? This is the least helpful time for you to run this test. I’m floored that you think this is a good time, for a bunch of 35+ year olds (your main demographic for this launch) to be able to show up to play a game. Unreal.
This is the least helpful comment to be repeated a bazillion times.
ROFL I agree 100%
Same issue here…there is no option to install it anywhere
If someone could answer this I’d be grateful too.
I installed it for the last stress test, and just left it there rather than un-installing it after. Does that mean I’m good to go, for Thursday’s stress test, or do I have to download and install something else? Like the person I quoted, there is noting on my Battlenet screen to indicate downloading anything. Help us please?
It’s gonna be busy trying to play this game with a life on the second go.
Can’t Wait … Holy Tankadin here I come
Thanks for the UPDATE!!!
I had the same issue…I chatted with support and we found that if you reinstall the Battlenet app then it will show up as an option
Happen to know if you must reinstal from the previous beta patch? just curious as I have a greyed-out play button. Not sure if this is normal for this final build as previous beta allowed you to login screen.
Thank you, I’ll have my husband look into that for me tomorrow.
That’s actually what a stress test is: to fully load the servers to their maximum capacity to see how they work under “stress”. Take it from a dev, this actually is a stress test.
So, the whole idea of the lvl cap may just be the one you properly described: to have all those players in the same area so they can properly stress some specific mechanic that they are worried about. The real stress test will be the first two hours of it. The rest is just to let people play and calm down their anxiety while they wait for that final release date. And yes, in the mean time, if they get any luck, to catch some bug that they might’ve missed during the beta.
Without the level cap it may just be a full regression test or simply a bugbash session aided with user testing. But you don’t need the whole player base for that, you only do that with a limited number of people. For once because it’s cheaper (even if you don’t have to pay for that, you’ll probably need to read through hundreds of duplicated bugs, that’s money), and on the other hand you might end up stress testing your bug report system
A full regression test is what we could see on a PTR when they achieve a release candidate state.
Awesome! Can’t wait for this to come out.
Hurray I hope there’s something I can think of to test and talk about
That’s normal right now. No-one can hit that button.
If you have a greyed out Play button that says “This game cannot be played yet.” you’re as “good to go” as the rest of us.
This is to test that the regional infrastructure is all set up ready to go. Layering was tested in previous stress tests, but this is a pre-launch test, not a stress test.