WoW Classic Launch and Testing Schedule

Last I heard, August was till in Summer??


Good man! :+1:

To give you the benefit of assuming this isn’t a strawman, I think your misapprehending the source of the anger. Blizzard is asking us to pay for a chance to help them test their product, which was once a paid service to the tester and a complete reversal. People aren’t going to be playing beta in order to get a head start or any personal benefit, they are playing it to ensure the finished product, which they wish to pay for, is in the best condition they can make.


So much crying and ignorance in the replies…

“oh no I have to have an active sub to get a chance at vanilla beta”

  • bruh… tokens are around 100k gold right now. activate for month who cares.

“don’t forget to opt in for wow classic specifically, they added a new opt in” and all the folks thanking these guys for saying that.

  • It LITERALLY TELLS YOU TO DO SO IN THE POST. Let people read or fail to read on their own imo. The less to opt in the better for the rest of us.

Nobody would call it a Classic Summer if it came out in September even if that is technically still in summer.

The same is true for August, especially the very end of the month.


No idea what a straw man even is, except for a scarecrow. Even this Classic forum has been full of naysayers about this, that and the other, that even when we do get good news, there are those that pick it apart. If you do not agree with needing a sub to have the chance to get the beta, then simply don’t do it, instead of seeming slighted over the fact of needing one.

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Correction: you and others who feel religiously obligated to complain about video game release dates wouldn’t call it a Classic summer.


In your Beta Profile Settings in you Battlenet account settings.

At the bottom of:


They don’t seem to care about how long you’ve played or what you’ve purchased; I’ve never been chosen for any of their beta tests, and I’ve been trying since 2006. I’ll admit I haven’t been consistently active since Cata release, but I’m probably in the same boat as most in that regard.

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Bliz officially announced at Blizzcon that Classic comes with a sub to the main game. Looks like that will be true not just once live, but for the beta as well.


I love how this game is making me debate my ethics. Should i support gold farmers and buy gold to buy a wow token to use on my sub for a chance at beta invite?

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Oh. I actually interpreted that the other way. Since they want to make an authentic experience, it makes sense to prioritize beta players who actually played in vanilla. So, I read it as “If you originally played in vanilla, you have a higher chance of getting a beta invite.”

Now I’m wondering if I misread it…

For everyone that doesn’t participate, they need to replace them. It’s your choice obviously, but no one is going to argue with you since it increases the chances for the rest of us!


You know the majority of WoW Vanilla players are out of college right? We weren’t all 4 when Vanilla was released.


Hooray! Finally a release date! My prediction was mid to late August so I guess I was correct! Do I win a prize?

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you better invite me to the beta tests, I have over 150 days of game play in real vanilla between two accounts.

Nice tactic. We see what you are trying to do.

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But have you kept both subbed since then?

It’s been the same for every beta. No secret, no tactic. Just overt rationale. I hope it’s plainly visible to all!