WoW Classic Launch and Testing Schedule

I’ll say it! Don’t resub, because I want beta! :joy:

Time off put in, excitement and hype officially engaged YAAASSSSSSSSS

Shout it from the rooftops!

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Lol, I’ve been posting it on every Whine post so far.

Kind of sucks for anyone who attends school.

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I am not surprised it is the very end of summer, kind of saw that coming. But it is great to have a date!

Actually it’s not the same tactic at all. In-fact they used to use Betas to make people who have been unsubbed for a long time try to come back. You’ve never needed an active sub to participate in a beta, you simply needed an invite. This is just more Activision money-grubbing, kind of disgusting really. Forcing people resub for garbage in HOPES they might get invited purely for money.


How many 3 year olds played Vanilla?

yea selection for beta should not be based on having a payed sub, since much of the target playerbase is not subbed.

If they required a sub to actually log in to the beta, I think many people (not speaking for everyone by any means) would be OK with it.

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This logic is quite stupid as well. You people act like the only individuals who want to play classic… are those who played it originally. I might have only been 12 when I played and I will admit I was hot garbage back then. Though I’m thrilled to return to play Classic as an adult and be able to take it seriously.

I’m sure the same goes for those people who might have never played Classic but they love the idea of trying WoW at a time they never knew. Someone who is 19-20 in college right now might be a die-hard wow player, but wants to try Classic to the fullest. Stop pretending only ORIGINAL classic players are the ones who will be very committed.


This is a response to the repeated statements on various threads, that the average WoW player is in college.

The Classic community is much older on average.

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The Average WoW player probably IS in college, while the Average classic player might have been older, a lot of the community has vastly changed.

Hence why most people think BFA is trash, most of us came from a time period where the game was very different. If us 20-30 year group think the game is bad now, I’m guessing most 20-30 year old when BC/WOTLK existed probably remembered how much they liked classic and up and left ages ago. Leaving a younger player base. Why do you think BFA is the way it is, it’s targeted at a younger player base, not the older player base that wants challenge, slow, “difficult” grinding.


I don’t want to sub until Classic is out. I hope you reconsider pulling in non-subs to the beta and stress test.

It doesn’t really matter that I don’t get in, but a lot of other non-subs are good and valuable contributors to the community.

Also, definitely invite us to Stress test, we’ll do our best to stress you out guaranteed.


It is if you’re in the Beta test.

Which is why they aren’t concerned about starting the game in the same week that school goes back. Because this game isn’t for the post-millenials.

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Oh man it’s here, well my plans for the latter part of the year is set! See everyone soon!

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Sweet baby Jesus

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My body is ready


TBC and Wrath both had that disclaimer.

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Active Game Time might be purchased through a subscription, wow token ect. An Active Subscription is just what it sounds like, you have a Subscription setup for your World of Warcraft account. Hope this helps : )