WoW Classic Launch and Testing Schedule

I dont think you’ll even get selected without an active sub.

Wait, what the heck does that mean? Time subbed recently or time subbed total or time your account got started?

Oh screw it, these filters are really vague and I have no idea which one is applied here. I don’t want to be bored in BfA just so I have some unknown chance to get into the thing I actually want to play.


Well, if you are not gonna pay, why should you participate?

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I like this part:

We may also consider additional factors such as how long a player has been subscribed to the game so that we have the right mix of players to ensure great feedback toward making WoW Classic the very best experience for the community.

The ‘right mix of players’ are the ones who have been playing and supporting retail. Makes complete sense (sarcasm). Looks like a cash grab to get nonsubs to put time on their account in hopes of beta.


Get together with your spouse and make plans for each of you to do Something Fun For Themselves (SO, whatever, you, Classic) during the day and then go do whatever anniversary celebration together.

summer 2019? barely. right when school starts up again. thanks i guess

Why have I gotten beta invites to Cata and BFA without an active subscription? This stipulation has never existed before.


Well, it exists now. Blizzard sets the rules, we have to play by them.


Because this is a new beta, and the rules have changed.


Yeah and I’ll call it for what it is. I’m not giving them money in the hopes that they select my account for access.

No one is forcing you to.

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Choices. We all got 'em.


yeah that’s exactly what I mean, they’re just trying to bait their sub count, kinda uncool…again idk if that’s what they’re saying here.

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Crazy how out of touch this is hahaha, wow.

Hey Blizz, best start running after that ball you just dropped before it rolls too far downhill.

BFA players aren’t the crowd you need testing a “Vanilla” experience.


Nice, sounds good Blizz.

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Well, crazy late summer. BUT! i’m super exited that we know now! Lets GOOOOO!

Is this a troll post? If not, here you go:

The folks you want playing and testing classic are going to be the folks who are only here for classic and have no interest in BFA.

You know, the folks who classic is quite literally for. That’s who you want testing your game.


Wish there was just a paid opt in for beta…
Theyre basically asking us to gamble for a chance at this point.


What’s that even supposed to mean mate? You act like I just said I want classic to be free like…lol. No, I’m just not gonna pay 15$ to have access to a beta for a day/few days because I’m obviously not going to be playing WoW after that until Classic releases.

It’s pretty clear because their sub count is sinking even further they’re trying to bank on peoples excitement to play classic just so they can turn to their investors and go “look at all the subs we regained”. Come now, that’s not cool. At least when it was random it was fair. It makes even less sense for them to decide this time around to have a bias and invite modern players who potentially will give biased feedback.